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As I got closer and closer to Moriarty, Rose, and Sherlock, the faster they moved to the cab. They threw Sherlock in, and Moriarty climbed in after Rose. She slammed the door while I tried to pull on the handle. I ran along side the cab, watching Sherlock slowly come to, watching Moriarty tease me, and Rose stroking Sherlock's face. 

"NO!" I screamed, pounding on the window. Sherlock's eyes fluttered and he caught me in the window. His blue eyes widened as he looked directly into Moriarty's face. The window rolled down slightly, and Moriarty's voice rang through. 

"I told you one of you would disappear. Now you're learning your lesson." The cab sped up and my hand slipped off the handle, making me face plant onto the contrete of the right side of the road. Cars were coming real fast, so I stood up, ignoring my bloody nose, and ran to the other side of the street, falling in front of the Deli. A woman came out, dragging me across the cobblestone. 

"I'm going to make you a nice cuppa, then we'll call your folks."

I was sat down in a chair and wrapped in a blanket. The woman, Yvonne as she called herself, handed me a hot cup of tea and sat next to me, handing me her mobile. 

"Here sweety. Call yeh folks." I learned to work the phone in a matter of seconds and dialed in Watson's number. I waited, and waited, and waited. It went to his voicemail. 

"John please.. I'm at Yvonne's Deli and I need you to come now!"

_Watson's POV_

I was sitting on Sherlock and Persephone's bed, looking at the book Mycroft gave Persephone. It was an odd book of choice, and somehow I actually believed he was a mind reader, or a future teller. I looked through it, having a doctors opinion, and agreed with what most of what it said. 

What to Expect While You're Expecting

I just sat there looking kind of suspicious at the book. Mycroft picked a strange book because One, Sherlock and Persephone have not done anything like that yet, and Two, Persephone definitely is not pregnant. I felt my mobile vibrate in my pocket. I rummaged through my pockets, finding it when it went off it's last vibration. Persephone. I listened to the voicemail. I threw the book down and grabbed my coat, running down the stairs, pushing through Mrs Hudson and ran down the street, trying to get to the Deli in time. 

I ran down the street, sensing greater emergency with every passing minute. My lungs started to burn and my legs were throbbing from the rushing of blood running through my veins. After a good five minutes, I slowed down, trying my best to keep a fast pace. Slow running turned to jogging, jogging turned into speed walking, and before I could go to a slow walk, I reached Yvonne's Deli.

As I turned in, I spotted Persephone sitting with Yvonne in the corner booth, Yvonne talking quietly and Persephone sitting stone faced, a cup of tea in her hands. I strutted by every empty table and booth, sitting beside Persephone. Her body was shaking and a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders. Her eyes connected with mine, and for a spare second she smiled before her face crashed into stone once more. 

"John! You were the one she called." Yvonne looked shocked. "I'm surprised she didn't call Mr Holmes."

At the mention of his very name, Persephone broke down, tears rushing down her face onto the table below us. Her hands were folded underneath the table on her lap. I grabbed one of her hands, smiling at her. Yvonne looked between us and raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh no! She's Sherlock's girlfriend."

Yvonne looked surprised but did not say anything. Persephone snuggled into me, her body cold. Her nose I just realized was bloody and her left eye was tinted purple on one side. 

"Persephone.." She pushed me out of the booth, throwing the blanket on the seat. 

"Thank you for everything Yvonne, but we have to go now." Persephone pushed me outside into the for once sunny day. The look on her face was one of that her best friend died. Oh God no...

"Moriarty and Rose.. They came for him. I chased them down, but they drove off too fast, causing well.. this." She pointed to her nose and eye. I leaned over, putting my head into the crook of her shoulder. 

"You're going to be okay. We are going to get those bastards even if it's our last act." 

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