The second problem.

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I naturally called the friendly people at Mercedes, in part because they have free coffee in their waiting room and in part because they are located just down the street, only to discover that their technicians (for all the dealerships in Toronto) are on strike!.  Colour me surprised.   Also, they have never heard of this ignition problem happening on a 2007 model -- 2000 yes, but 2007 -- never!   Colour me dubious.

Deeming it pointless to tow the car somewhere it wouldn't get fixed I called an Uber and went to work.  As a not so interesting aside, learned that nearest uber and Beck Taxi drivers were the same guy.....

Spent a sizable portion of yesterday calling garages to see if they would fix the car. Apparently the only people that can such a problem are "Mercedes people" (from hereon in to be known as MP).  (sounds like the MP don't play nicely in the sand box with other fixers of cars and won't share their computer programs with non-MP colleagues).  Took a cab home from work and ignored inert car in driveway.

Refreshed and re-energized after a full  4 hours of sleep, hailed another Uber to head to work and ideally solve car problem before the Friday drive up north for the weekend  (point of reference - it's Thursday).  On the way to work, called Mercedes for update on technician status (having heard yesterday on the QT that there was a contract vote in the offing for today). As it turns out (several phone calls later), only solution would be to get the car towed to the MARKHAM Mercedes dealer where they would treat it as an emergency and maybe get it fixed this millennium. Of course I am only insured for towing for 10km so this will cost me the useless CAA Basic membership (NOT to be confused with the more generous PLUS membership which apparently covers free towing anywhere your little heart desires) including the extra towing fee.....

Pondered my options -- or lack thereof -- in the back of the Uber.  Decision is to get car towed as fast as possible. Ask Muhkter to turn around and take me back home please. He is more than obliged and well paid for the circular trip.

Handle meetings via google hangouts from laptop on kitchen counter while waiting for tow truck (realizing that my neck is extremely wrinkled and fat, try to push chair back as far as possible without moving out of frame.... what is the proper screen angle so they can't actually see your neck?)

Recall helpful pointer from my call with Donna-the-cheerful-CAA person: MUST have cash for tow truck driver. Requires getting in my car to go to bank. Oh wait...... grrrrrrr....... how much can be found in the sofa cushions....

Tow truck arrives after an hour. Is a large flat bed because that's apparently what the MP say is required. Alas, apparently a car can only get onto a flat bed when it's in neutral. Which, as luck would have it, requires an ignition........  so.......

2 hours later, a new tow truck arrives, and this one builds a frame with wheels under the car.  Andy, the strapping young tow truck driver from CAA is anxious that I should understand exactly what he's doing to build the frame and explains in excruciating detail every last step.  I break from the driveway, citing work concerns ..... Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure my neck is getting wider with every Google hangout meeting.....

$70 cash later, the car has left for Markham.  I admit, although it makes me seem weak and weird, that I felt strangely sad for the poor car, all strapped up on the towing frame..... Perhaps I should have gone with her to Markham.....

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