Arrival To Oakwood Furry Camp

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(I do not have a picture of my fursona yet so everyone will just have to hold on hahah)


Packing my things and the ride were both terrible. I know i love my mom a lot, but she asked me too much questions on stuff like, "Why do you wanna go sweetie?", or "Whatcha plan on doing there?". It got kind of annoying, but I still enjoy her company and affection and love.

While my mom drove me there with my luggage in the back, we saw lots of scenery and amazing things. We got to see mother nature at its finest, some cool restaurants, but when we got near the camp, everything became just trees, trees, and more trees. Then a sign on the side of the road came into view as it read:

"Oakwood Furry camp".

I smiled widely, which triggered dimples on my cheeks. I slightly sat up more on the polyester seat and looked around outside the window as my mom pulled up into the parking/drop off area.

Cabins were lined up in a circular formation with a huge pit in the center,  wood was piled in it like it was prepared for something special. I heard a soft sigh of happiness from my mom as I then looked over at her. 

"Well, looks like this is it! Want me to help with your luggage and other bags and things?" she asked as her ears flicked generously as a smiled played her lips.

", I'm fine, I can get it.." I slowly climbed out of the car and pad to the trunk and pop it open.

I grab my 2 heavy bags from the trunk and grunt with effort as I use my tail to pick up a plastic bag of shampoos and soaps to help me keep myself and my fur clean throughout the time I was there. Of course, the bag weighed a lot since I was a total clean freak, probably a bit more than any others. I began to attempt to walk, the bag dragging on the ground as I walked. I growled gently and huffed as I used as much strength in my tail as I could, it barely even moved an inch at all. In the distance, my mom yelled goodbye to me and I flicked my big ears, signaling that I heard her and was meaning goodbye as well.

After all of my walking and staggering, I found the cabin I was going to be sleeping in. The cabin had some trees surrounding it and shielding it from the sun. The cabin looked newly built and in perfect shape; the windows were very clean, the front porch area looked swept, and it just looked clean and perfect in general. I staggered up the steps a bit until the door swung open gently and a sleek and slender looking fox female stepped out and looked down at me with curious eyes. My face darkened a shade as I looked down as she leaned down to reach my level, sniffing me as I shyly stepped back.

"No need to be shy, sweetie" she smiled warmly and gently reached out a paw, gesturing for me to give her some of my things to carry.

"S-sorry...i.....i'm new...." I said I handed over one of my bags, grabbing the bag on my tail and stepping up the stairs to the door as she opened it. 

"Don't worry hon, I don't bite" she smiled widely down at me as she held the door for me, tail whisking around lightly as she ushered me inside.

When we walked inside, it was big. There were bunk beds all down the room and chests to put our clothes and other belongings in. She began to walk me towards the back of the room towards a bunk. The top of the bed looked neat and tidy with someone's bag on it. The bottom bunk looked deserted and clean for someone to sleep in.

"You will be sharing a bunk with someone, hope you two will get along perfectly!" she said happily as she lightly set my bags on the bottom bunk and began to pad off to help some others.

I looked confused as I then just sigh and cross my arms a bit. The bottom bunk bed looked bigger than usual. Shouldn't I be sleeping on the top bunk? I'm too small for the bottom...Oh well, I got assigned that bunk and I guess it'll have to do for now.

I slowly unpacked and stored my stuff in the chest in front of the bunk and made my bed, fixing the sheets and blanket and pillow perfectly. The blanket was kind of thin looking but I shouldn't have to worry about being cold, it's in the Summer time anyways. I grabbed my shorts and black t-shirt out of the chest and headed for the bathroom and changed, walking back out and slipping on my sneakers.

A poster on the wall caught my attention as I then walked up to it. It was a camp game that everyone would be joining and playing, partners would be assigned at the game area.

'Great...some crumby forest game that I have to do...I wish I was able to relax for a bit and plan everything out before-paw, but I guess not..' I mumbled to myself as I padded to the door and stepped out and headed down the pathway.

A sign caught my eye as it pointed to a clearing where a bunch of furs were standing and conversing. I took a nervous gulp and closed my eyes for a moment before taking a steady, but shaky breath. I opened my eyes and slowly began to walk into the clearing slowly. 

' goes....I hope this week isn't as bad as I'm planning....' I whispered low and began to pad closer to the crowd, fear overwhelming me.


Thanks for reading this chapter guys! I hoped you like the intro and maybe in the next chapter, I can give details about my fursona so you guys can have a thought of what he looks like! I love ya guys!


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