A Different Turn Of Events.

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Everyone had been set off. A whistle was blown and every fur taking part in the competition hauled tail into the forest and in the opposite directions. I was sent to look for a smooth, heart-shaped stone down by the lake that was far out through the woods and around a boulder. I huffed as I ran through the woods, at a gentle, fast pace, trying not to tire myself out yet before I got to the area. I knew I would have to do some searching, probably in the pond. It would be tiring....and cold...I knew I'd hate it a lot...

As soon as I arrived at the cave leading to the other area, I gently padded inside the cave and silently huffed. On the other side was a gloomy and dull looking clearing. A hill going down lead to a pebbled shore and a pond. I gently rolled my eyes and cursed to myself as I padded down the hill and looked at the shore that was covered in pebbles. The name of the item I was supposed to get sounded so easy to retrieve....but in reality...NOPE. This was going to be so hard! I silently growled to myself as I began to sift my paws through the pebbles, getting slightly anxious that I wouldn't ever find it in time and I would have let my team down. 

Rock after Pebble and rock. I began to feel like I was going to give up any moment. I stood up and growled loudly to myself and gently bawled my paws into fists and turned quickly and looked towards the trees and saw a grey, shiny object down at the base of the roots. I padded over in a quick manner and got on my knees and picked it up and inspected the object. To my surprise, it was a stone, the size of my paw. And what was funny about that was that it was far away from the shore where the rest of the rocks, pebbles, and stones were.

 I looked at it closely some more and rubbed off some of the mud but some of the other mud was dried and stuck. I quickly padded over to the pond edge and dipped the stone into the water. Most of the mud washed off but I had to rub it a bit to completely clean it off. When I pulled it out of the water, I was shocked to see exactly what I was looking for. It looked shiny and smooth now that I had washed it off. I held it up in my paws in the air and got a good look at it and saw that there were some minerals in it, giving it some look and design which made it even more unique.

"Hmm..Seems as if they had hidden it...speaking because of the mud on it and different placement..." I said silently to myself as I began to rub the rock, shining it more as I smiled a bit bigger. The rock was pretty, I had to admit. 

I looked away from the rock at the pond and saw its stillness and everything was quiet and still, only hearing the faint beating of my heart and the light humming of the dragon flies that flew over the pond. It was peaceful. How come they didn't tell us of this place before? Maybe they didn't want us to disturb the peace here? Maybe so....This place is amazing. I'd love to crack open a good book and relax in the grass and possibly take a nice nap. It'd be so soothing...

"Well....time to get the rock back to the camp to check it off the list.." I said as I turned back around and began to pad up the hill.

I huffed silently, wiping my forehead as I put the rock in my hoodie pocket with my opposite paw. My steady walking was slowing down from my legs getting a bit tired.

'Geez...It's so easy walking down hills than walking up them-' 

"Ooof!!" I grunted loudly as I was knocked off my paws, making me tumble down the hill, hitting some rocks buried in the dirt on the way down. At the end, my leg twisted and my ankle hit a fallen tree, making me let out a blood curling scream.

A tall, female vixen (fox) bounded down the hill and bent down and looked at me with a smirk, a snarl leaving her lips. She reached down and took the stone from my pocket and looked at it for a few seconds as I lay on the forest floor, whimpering loudly in pain from my ankle hitting the tree and my body aching from the rough fall.

"Thanks for finding the stone for me~" she spoke in a mean, harsh tone as she looked down at me and let out a tiny chuckle, seeing me in pain. 

I winced and whimpered, letting out a few growls as I tried to get up, only then being restricted by her foot pressing to my chest to keep me on the the forest floor. The fall was rough enough to make it hard for me to breathe, so with her paw on my chest, it was like i was slowly suffocating.

"Such a cute little pup, eh?.." she said devilishly as she dug her hind claws into my chest, making me whimper loudly in pain as everything was beginning to blur. 

She lifted her paw up, only to kick me in the head a bit, making me whimper more as the kick left me dazed and very numb feeling. I let out a quiet howl as I saw her dark brown eyes and flowing red hair for a minute before I clenched my eyes shut tightly. 

"See you later, fur-fag...Thanks once again..." she said with a bit of harsh tone to it as i heard her begin to pad off, slow at first, then at full speed as it began to slightly rain down on the clearing, the cold droplets fell onto my body.

I silently whimpered, it was faint and weak as i didn't dare to move, the pain was intense and slightly unbearable but i felt as if i was drifting away into unconsciousness. My whimpering began to get soft and I softly huffed as I began to slip into unconsciousness. I was now feeling numb and gone and everything was black as I began to pass out from the pain that I had once felt. 

A worried howl in the distance sounded, too faint for me to understand who it was. The quiet whimpering and panting drew nearer and nearer until I heard Danny come through the cave. He sounded nervous and panicked as he started searching for me quite frantically. 

"Raff?! Raff!! Where are you?! Please be alright..." He whimpered wildly as he searched for me still.

I let out a small groan, loud enough for him to hear though. His ears flicked towards me as he ran to me and knelt by my side and grabbed my paw. 

"Raff! Oh my gosh! What happened to you?! Are you alright?! Please please please be alright!" he whimpered wildly and looked at me as I didn't have the strength anymore to move or respond. My body was covered in dirt, which was changing to mud from the falling rain.

He then let out many very loud howls, trying to get help as everything began to completely fade out to black, everything was gone. I had completely passed out now


I was comfortable. It felt like my body had a blanket on it and I was in a bed and i was clean. My body still ached very much and it hurt to breathe. I'm guessing from the fall. I think I'm in a recovery room in the nurse's ward. I softly yawned and gently huffed as i whimpered very quietly, the pain was returning from the activity. I cleared my throat very gently and slowly opened my eyes and froze in the bed. What I saw shocked me and slightly embarrassed me. Someone sat asleep in a chair in the room across the bedroom. Someone from the activity.

It was the wolf named Sebastian.

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