Just The Beginning Of Greatness

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We had spent a while walking, despite my ankle still being in pain. I didn't want to say anything because I knew that if he carried me, I would freak out inside. Not in a bad way but...ya know..

We walked side by side down the path, I had a slightly uncontrollable smile on my face. I just felt happy in his presence and his scent was just so nice....I could smell it all day...  My tail began to wag side to side gently as we kept going. I enjoyed the sounds of the birds chirping, the breeze carrying fresh scents of the forest around us, and the sound of a creek flowing nearby.

"Wanna go relax by the creek or keep walking?" He asked as he slowed his pace and looked over at me with his captivating eyes. 

"Er.....yeah. I think a rest would be great." I said with the smile still abiding on my face.

He put his paw on my side which made me jump at first, but he was only trying to help me get to a safe seating spot, carefully. 

"Don't worry...I've got you. I won't let you fall.." he said in a very compassionate tone as his paw pulled me closer to him to help me. It was like we were dating, the way he touched me.

My face was on fire from blushing and I was trembling from my heart racing. He made me overly happy from his gentle voice and pleasant touch.

He helped me over to a soft, grassy spot underneath a tree near the creek that spilled into a pond. He assisted me down to the ground to sit in the grass and he took a spot next to me. My eyes looked out over the creek.  

"I should've had someone go with you.....I'm really sorry....really...really.." He spoke silently, his voice full of guilt and sadness.

"Things happen....er...don't worry about it.." I began to look down at my paws silently as the only sounds heard could be the distant buzzing of a dragonfly zooming across the pond.

"No, I really should have. I don't like seeing people hurt or go alone.." he muttered something under his breath quietly after he finished the sentence.

Silence took over as I didn't know what to say next, it got slightly awkward. I then closed my eyes and relaxed letting the scents of the forest, the creek, and the pond fill my nose, it was soothing and relaxing. I began to lay back a bit only to feel something soft wrap around me. 

"Be careful okay? I can...hold you if you want me to...I mean....so you can relax...you know.." It was the first time I ever heard him get nervous about something, from when I first saw him, he seemed confident about everything.

"It's uh...up to you...I don't want to make you uncomfortable or lay in your arms too long that your arm falls asleep.." I responded nervously and with a shy smile on my face.

He chuckled quietly and seemed to smile as well as he looked down at me with his amber eyes. 

"Trust me, it's okay....just lay back." he said very lightly and calmly as he pressed his back to the tree to support himself up.

I nodded gently and began to lay back, feeling his chest meet my back. His arms gently wrapped around me and I began to smile very softly. I didn't want him to suspect anything but...he is the one who offered to hold me.. I guess it will be a mystery? Maybe? Dunno...

I then slowly began to close my eyes once again and rested there, his arms around me and the gentle scents of the forest area around me. It was too soothing. So amazing. This felt like a dream come true...a hot wolf...the forest....a nice cuddle...Yeahhh~

It wasn't long before I began to feel myself start to snooze off, I was just so comfortable in his arms and he was so warm. I yawned, feeling his grip on me tighten in a protective way. I then fell into a pleasant, deep sleep. 


I awoke in his arms, he seemed to be carrying me back to the Nurse's Cabin so the nurse could give me another dose of medicine and check my ankle again. I opened my eyes more, he was carrying me bridal style.  (look it up if you don't know what it looks like XD) He looked down as he was walking and smiled a bit.

"Sorry, you fell asleep and we were there for maybe an hour and a half. I decided to carry you back so the nurse and Summer could tell us what was happening; if you were going to leave or not." he said gently as he looked back up and kept walking, he didn't show any sign of struggle to keep me up in his arms which surprised me....I thought of myself as fat.. 

"Oh w-well... I can walk if you want me to.." I said very nervously as we began to pass some cabins, getting close to our destination.

"No need, I don't mind carrying you. It's technically helping both of us." His voice was kind and compassionate. I didn't understand why this boy must feel like it's his job to do everything for me.

"Oh. Er....okay" I said quietly, letting silence take over as we continued to walk down the path straight up to the door of the Nurse's Cabin.

He padded up to the door and opened it, not even setting me down to make it less difficult on himself to get the door open when his paws were full. He went down the hallway to my room, luckily my room's door was open and he walked in only to be greeted by Summer, she had gotten there before us. He set me down on the bed while Summer gave him a raised brow and a weird look. 

"He....erm....Fell asleep when we were relaxing by the pond and I chose to carry him back. I didn't want him to put any more pressure on his ankle than he already had." He looked down at me and then stuffed his paws into his pockets as he took a step back from me, not too far though.

"Well. Besides that. I have some good news and some bad news as well. Which one do you want first?" Her gaze went from me to Sebastian to me, her green eyes filled with intent on to spills the news to me and Sebastian about whether or not i was going to stay at the camp here.

I looked over at Sebastian and then at her and sighed.

"It doesn't matter...Lay it on me" I said in defeat as I was definitely sure that i was going to be sent home from the camp, never to see the handsome wolf standing next to me.


I AM SORRY. It feels like i apologize on every update i make. I was extremely sick and that's all i have to say. I love you guys a lot and i hope you enjoyed this update!! <3

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