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"You're like zombie; no matter how many brains you eat, you'll severe have one."


"My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came."


"Dear girls you're beautiful, no matter what you think of your reflection."


"Too young to be so sad."


"I speak and think as if you're mine, ad if I have a choice. What a silly girl."


"'Are you really okay?' I am acting like I'm okay. Please don't interrupt my performance."


"Just him (and pizza)."


"Your eyes look sad, darling."


"My heart is just too dark to care."


End of thinking capacity."


"I miss your stupid face."


"Daaaaaamn. He's hot."


"I don't wanna lose you."


"She's all broken inside, but no one will ever notice."


"Stop searching forever, happiness is right next to you."


"Hey woman, take a chance, tell him how you feel."


"She loved him more than loved herself, that was her flaw."


"You're born and then you die, but between you can do anything you want. It's society than creates rules for us, but you can break out of that."


"Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are."


"A smile is the best makeup that any girl can wear."

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