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"Play with her hair, not her heart."


"So you are into pain."


"I like to see people reunited, maybe that's silly idea, but what can I say, I like impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough, the ears that aren't big enough, the eyes that can't take in all the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone."


"I'm not myself
My heart always hurts
I cry every night
What happened to the old me?
I used to be so happy
I laughed at everything
I'm just so sad
I want it to stop
Why can't I be happy
I'm not myself anymore
Or maybe this is the new me"


"A girl once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person for you may cut yourself on their shattered pieces."


"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself."


Making people feel like shit because they can't afford name brand clothes; makes you a shitty person. Your $200 Jordans and Levi jeans wont fix your personality.


"Why am I so afraid to lose you, when you are not even mine?"


"-What are you doing?


"I need you
I fucking need you"


"You were red, you liked me cause I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky and you decided purple just wasn't for you."


"Dark souls is the new trend."


"I still miss him. I really hate that."


"Pretty eyes, but a mouth full of lies."


"Everyone knows bad girls have more fun."


"I'm not in the mood to do anything anymore."


"Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand."


"Broken boy."


"When I'm with you, I feel so safe. Like I'm home."


"So look at my eyes, and tell me that I wasn't enough, because I'm sick of the lies, and I don't want to give up."


"We're in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils."


"The girl who seemed unbreakable ; broke.
The girl who seemed so strong ; crumbled.
The girl who always laughed it off ; cried.
The girl who never stopped trying ; finally gave up."


"Shit happens. Basically, you know, it's inevitable. Bad things are going to happen but it's always nice to know that someone else went through it, and just to be able to turn on that album and know you have a half hour to forget your problems. It's like there's someone there for you. They're not right in front of you talking to you, but in a way they are. It's just nice to know that someone else went through the same thing."

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