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"A girl is a gun."

"If I want to look beautiful, I do it for me."

"Don't let fear take control. Use it as a motor."

"Everything is normal. Everything is fine. I worry about nothing, because nothing is on my mind. "

"We try to hide our feelings, but we forgot that our eyes speak."

"Not only did I shut out the pain, I shout out everything. The good and the bad until there was nothing."

"You stopped saying your goodnights and that's when I knew I've lost you."

"I wish I had kisses you when I had the chance because now it's 2am you're gone and all I want is your touch."

"And all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!"

"In a fight, they're lethal. Around each other, they melt."

"I'm sorry for coming in and fucking up your life."

"Embrace your shyness! Cry in public! Have big big feelings! Be a mess!"

"Just because a girl's pretty, doesn't mean that she's cool."

"I love the 3AM version of people. Vulnerable.  Honest. Real."

"<No> doesn't mean <Convince me.>"

"Author's note
Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay."

"My thoughts were destroying me. I tried not to think but the silence was a killer too."

"A woman born to be bad!"

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