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"I know your fears and you know mine."


"You made flowers grow in my lungs and although they are beautiful, I can't breathe."


"Stay in my life, ok?"


"I still love you but I don't love myself."


"I can't sleep at night."


"Loving yourself is the greatest revolution."


"Don't let stupid boys make you sad."


"P.S. I never told you, but I was falling in love."


"Dear diary, when life is shit, turn to music."


"I just need a person."


"You make me happier that when I look at my alarm clock and realize I've got two more hours of sleep."


"Destruction is a form if creation."


"I'm having a shit day, thanks."


"Sometimes silence is better."


"I just wanna look good for you."


"You are always welcome home."


"I lied I do love him."


"Baby, you're cool."


"We might only exist within a momentary twinkling of another being's creation."


"I can lose fucking everything. But not you, oh god, not you."


"Get drunk, I need the truth."


"brain: time to feel sad for no reason
me: why
brain: you gotta"


"I want to be your favorite place to go when you've had a bad day or good day."

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