Chapter 1

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I'm 1 year and a half later...


"Dad, do you mind if I take care of the catering and stuff? A friend of mine knows this woman who cooks really well. I've tried one of her dishes and it was great. I was thinking of hiring her to cater's mom's birthday, since we decided to just have a simply family celebration," I said to my dad, who's busy looking at potential gift for my mom.

"That sounds good actually," he said.

"What's it gonna be this time dad?" I asked as I watched my dad point to a few diamond bracelets.

"I'll know it when I see it," he simply said.

They've been married for 28 years now, and still madly in love with each other.

I smiled proudly.

How many can say that to their parents? Let's be honest. The rate of divorce is so high, it scares people away from commitments. But growing up the way I did, has made me want the same thing that my parents, aunts and uncles, and my sister has.

I just need to find the one.

"By the way, your sister wants to know if you're coming for dinner tomorrow," my dad said.

I nodded. "Yup. I'll be there. I'm going to be a little late though, dad. I gotta oversee the construction site on West 41st."

"Your sister's gonna kill you. This is the second time you're going to be late for dinner," Dad chuckled.

"She just wants me for my baby sitting skills," I snickered.

"Well, you are a baby whisperer," dad teased, the same time his eyes sparkled.

I smiled. He's found it, I thought to myself.

After that quick run to the mall with my dad, I headed back to the office to make some business calls.

I scrolled down my contacts to make one last call.

Katherine West. Caterer. I added her contact number that I got from a friend. I have to say, her cooking
is one of the best I have ever tasted.

I tapped on the number on the screen any placed the phone against my ear.

A soft, velvety voice greeted me. "Hello?"

"Hi," I responded. "Is this Ms. Katherine West?"

"Yes. Speaking," she said.

Fuck. Why does her voice sound like that? Husky, breathy, and soft, like a melody.

"Hello?" She said again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I cleared met throat. "Yes. Hi. I got your number from a friend, and I was wondering if I could hire your catering service," I said.

"Of course. Would you like to come in to talk more about this?," she said, then I heard a loud crash in the background. Then a groan. "I'm sorry, you caught me at a bad time. I'm about to meet a client. And this is actually my personal line, but that doesn't really matter. I mean, crap. Shit. Damn it," she cursed in frustration, as I heard shuffling in the background.

I bit back a laugh.

"Sorry, I dropped all my stuff on the ground. I'm meeting a client. Crap. I already said that," she muttered.

I smiled. "Why don't I meet you for lunch at Gazels tomorrow and talk to you in person?" I offered. "Do you know the place?"

"Yes, I do. And that sounds great. How does noon sound?"

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