Chapter 44

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"Love you..." A soft whimper sounded. Then nothing.

"Red?" I shake her.



I tried to keep my head together as I cradled Katherine's battered body.

"Get a fucking medic! Damn it. I can't lose her!" I choked out.

Medics came and ordered me out of the way, but I refused.

"Dylan, get your head on straight. You need to let them do their job!" Nate said, as he pulled me out of the way.

"Nate... I can't lose her," I begged him.

"Then let them do their job."

I looked back at the love of my life, as the medics worked on her.

Chaos was surrounding me, but all I could think of was that I'm about to lose the woman I love.

"Her heart rate's dropping," one of them said.

I dropped to my knees at those words.


"Dylan," Nate tried to stop me, but I fought him.

"Don't you dare leave me Red! You wake up! Breathe baby," I forced out. "Breathe with me baby. Breathe for me! You can't leave me!"

They continued to work on her.

I held her hand. "You come back to me, Red. Listen to my voice. Listen to me. I need you. I love you so much..." I sobbed.

She remained lifeless.

"No pulse," one of them said.

Terror gripped my chest.

"No-ooo!" I bellowed.

I picked her up and cradled her body against me.

I held her hand against my chest.

"Sir... you need to let us do our job!" They protested.

"Katherine, don't do this to me!
Please, don't leave me. Feel my heartbeat. It beats for you, so you need to keep your heart beating."


"Dylan... please," Nate said, as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

I lay her down, but stayed beside her, holding her hand up to my heart.

I closed my eyes and prayed.

If you're going to take her... take me with her...

I shook with tears.

Flashbacks of when we first met replayed in my head.

The way I chased after her, to the moment she finally said "I love you," to the moment we first made love, to when I asked her to marry me, to the moment I last saw her.

She smiled at me and kissed me goodbye and told me how much she loved me...

This can't be where this ends.

This can't be where we end.

"Come back to me, baby..." I let out in a soft plea.

"We've got a pulse!" One of the medics shouted.

I opened my eyes immediately.

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