School Makes Me Want To Vomit

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Cas' P.O.V

When I wake up I know that I don't want to go to school. But someone come, uninvited, into my room.

"Get up Castiel, you're going to school today." I sit up and look at her with outrage on my face.

"WHAT!? No mom, please don't make me." Oh god, she's going to make me go. I can feel it.

"I don't care, you're going in and you're also taking Annabelle in as well." She leaves.

I slam my back down on my bed and cover my face with the covers. I want to cry but something is stopping me. I hold in my tears. It's not really hard at all anymore. I do it quite a lot at the moment and I'll have to do it when I go into fucking school today. I get dressed in basic jeans and a t-shirt. I don't care at the moment, not about anything. I haven't eaten properly since Tuesday last week I'm pretty sure. 

I wait downstairs for Annabelle to finish doing whatever she's doing. Probably learning how to summon Satan. What a creepy fucking weirdo. She practically skips down the stairs.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm not, I just like to make as much noise as I can when coming down the stairs."

I roll my eyes and she gets into the car. The car ride to Annabelle's school is a painful silence. When we finally get here.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better in a couple of weeks mom will probably be stood awkwardly in the kitchen because she can't yell at me for setting someone on fire because you can't deal with yelling."

"I know you're trying to make me feel better but I think you should stick to the stuff you know, like arson." I smile at her.

"Ok, shut the fuck up I know you're fake smiling and don't be fucking late picking me up."

I smile at her, she's so fucking weird. I remember that I have to go to school today. I hit my head against the wheel and leave it there.  A few tears roll down my cheek but I suck it up and drive to school, late. 

I run into maths late and Mr. Watson looks at me over his glasses and it makes me very uncomfortable.

"You're late Castiel."

"And you're old." I say under my breath.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"Fuck it, I have nothing to lose.

"I said that you're old, sorry if you can't handle the truth, sir."

"Well Castiel, unlike some people that you would meet in life." Jesus, here we go again. "I can take the truth but a lot of people can't so I think you should be more careful about what you say because I don't think you are making a good name for yoursel-"


"Go to the Headmasters office, now."

"Ok, bye." 

The further down the hallway I go the more I regret doing what I did. I need to stop being a sass queen and just not say anything ever again. When I make it to the Headmasters office his assistant sees me and he looks really confused.

"Castiel, what are you doing here? It has to be for something good." He says with utter disbelief in his voice.

"No, I shouted at Mr. Watson." He looks at me with loads of surprise in his voice.

"You know what, that is completely unfair. You have been nothing but good this whole school year and on your off day, you have Mr. Watson. No, I don't care. You're not going in. I will let you go next period. You can just chill here. Don't worry Mr. Michael won't be out until 4th period."

"Thanks." I say smiling at Mr. Tran.

I swear on my life that they are having an affair. Oh, that would be so cute, I ship it. When the bell goes for second period I don't look up before I walk away and I walk straight into Hannah. Oh, joy.

"Castiel, what do you think you're doing?" She says offended over nothing like she is, a lot.

"I think I'm going to history and leaving your ugly ass right behind me." Fuck her. What a bitch.

I spend the rest of the day either almost crying or thinking about Mr. Micheal and Mr. Tran having a snowball fight. I wait for 15 minutes after the bell goes because I don't want to see anyone. I walk out into what appears is an empty parking lot but Hannah starts to randomly walk next to me.

"Hannah, what the fuck do you think you're doing." I say still walking and paying no attention to her.

She grabs my arms to stop me. 

"Castiel. What happened outside of Mr. Micheal's office was clear to both of us."

"What that I walked into you because I wasn't looking where I was going?" She fake laughs a little.

"No, silly." She playfully hits me on the arm. She is flirting with me. "We both know that you did that to try and get me back. And frankly Castiel I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for us to get back together." I notice that she is trying to get my attention by making her boobs more obvious. 

"Ok, great I'll keep that in mind for when I want to have an annoying fucking leech on my arm."

I walk the rest of the way to my car and drive away as fast as I can. I have to pick up Annabelle not make horrible life choices. I've already made too many of those for a whole lifetime. I get to Annabelle's school and she runs and jumps into my car.

"Jesus, what's with all the running today?"

"No reason I've just waited like all day to see you. How's your day been?"

"I accidentally bumped into Hannah today and she thought that was me flirting with her so she tried to get back together with me and I was like no, I would rather die. How was yours?"

"Phase 1 of my plan to destroy Abaddon has been completed."


"Ok, phase one is getting her to be my lab partner. Phase two is waiting for us to do stuff about maggots."

"Oh, my god. I don't think I've ever been so glad to be someone you like." Annabelle does a soul-crippling laugh.

"She's fucking terrified of maggots. I can't fucking wait."

"You know Annabelle, my life has been a bowl of shit cereal at the moment and you seem to be the only person able to lighten my life up." She sweeps the hair off her shoulder.

"I know, that's the kind of vibe I tend to bring on earth." Her being self-obsessed is one of my favorite things.

"Do you wanna go and get ice-cream or something."

"I would fucking love to."

You Don't Remember Me? (Destiel highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now