Why Worry?

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"I just don't get any of it like ever."

"I get it it's just I don't care enough to do any of the work."

"What about when you leave school?" Cas says with a hint of concern.

"I'm gonna do what my uncle did. Repair cars. It's not much but I'm good at it so."

"So after high-school. No college. You're just going to work with your uncle."

"Well, I'm going to do what he did. I can't work with him because he died."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, how. If you don't mind me asking." Cas makes sure he's never being intrusive. I like that.

"No, it's fine. He died in an explosion with Ellen and Jo, his wife and daughter." Yeah, my dad didn't take it too well.

I remember the night dad told us.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I know how much bobby meant to you." He hit me across the face, hard. It's not like this hasn't happened before but this was the first time he hit me hard.

"YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT. YOU'RE JUST FUCKING STUPID." Dad punched me again. Square in the face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam on the couch, crying. But still out of fear. Dad saw that I was looking at him and turned around to face him. I swore to myself the only time I would ever hit my dad was if he hurt Sammy.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW SAM."Sam, still crying, ran upstairs. He told me when he got there he cried into his pillow for hours.

Dad turned back to me, I was crying a little bit and clutching my face.

"Are you crying, how cute. Come on Dean, I thought you were a man. I thought you're going to protect Sammy after I fucking drink myself to death." After he says that, I can only cry more. "You're such a little bitch, Dean, I fucking hate you." That was the first, not the last, time that my dad looked me in the eyes and told me he hated me and I could feel that he meant it.

He slapped me across the face with the back of his hand and I fell to the ground. He kicked me in the stomach again and again and again. Every time hurt more. When he stopped he spat on me and I heard him march upstairs. I wanted to get up, to make sure Sam was going to be ok. I couldn't get up. Soon after I blacked out.

The bell goes and stops my train of thought.

"Hey, Dean, what lesson do you have next?"

"Science I think."

"Oh, I have religion, I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah." I fake smile and he leaves.

I think I'm gonna go home. I don't want to be around people right now.


Here I am, for the fourth time, slowly killing myself. Good. You should be killing yourself, you're a worthless piece of shit and I hate you and so does everyone else. John's voice rattles around my head like it does all the time. I do it into the sink so I don't feel guilty when I'm clearing up the blood. I look into the mirror. I still hate myself but I don't have that feeling of disgust and hate in the bottom of my stomach. My eyes trail up the wall and I look at the clock. What the hell. It's like 9:40, since when did that happen? I hear someone knock at my door. What the hell. I wrap my wrists in some tissue paper and go downstairs. I open the door and Castiel is there, shivering and worried.


"Hi, you left school early today and I was thinking maybe I should drop by, to make sure you're ok but I was like nah, he'll be fine. I couldn't get it off my mind that you weren't ok and so I can sleep tonight, you're fine, right?"

You Don't Remember Me? (Destiel highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now