Chapter 2

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When I got out off the shower and went into mine and Chloe's room, something seemed off. I got into some clothes and realized that all of Chloes stuff was gone. I ran downstairs. No Chloe. I grabbed my phone to see if she had texted me. But there was a text from Hadley. Not her. I read the text. So that was why she left. I called her over and over again.No answer. I decided to call Christi. She said that Chloe wasn't there. I called my mom. She had no idea where Chloe had gone. O was at my witts end when I called Paige.

"Hello this is Paige." Paige said.

"Hey Paige its Zack." I said.

She gasped and whispered, "Chloe, its Zack!"

I knew where Chloe was.


The doorbell went off.

"Josh!!!! Get the door!!!!" I screamed down the stairs.

"NOOOOOO!" Josh screamed back.

"BE QUIET!!" Brooke screamed. Chloe giggled at our fight.

"PAIGE YOU GET IT!" Kelly screamed.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. It was none other than Zack Torres.

"What do you want?" I said, in my best mean girl tone.

"Where is Chloe? I need to explain something!" He said frantically.

"What?" Chloe said, pushing her way towards Zack.

"That text didn't mean anything!" He explained.


Zack was trying to explain the text and the other girl, but Chloe wasnt buying it.

""I don't want you back!" Chloe yelled.

"Why? I love you!" Zack expressed.

"This is why!" She said grabbing me by the shirt and kissing me passionately.


Zack ran back to his car and drove away quickly.


I wanted to kill myself at that moment. I drove away quickly and not thinking, I drove into a ditch and somehow the car flipped over. I passed out.

Another Girl: Sequel to Baby Mine (Dance Moms Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now