Chapter 7

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Tyler's POV.
I went into my room and got in my bed. I was so exhausted that I immediately fell asleep.

I was woken up by my mom shaking me.

"Alright alright I'm up.Geez," I said as I sat up running my hands through my hair.

"Good, now get ready. Your lucky we let you sleep in," my mom said as she walked out of my room.

I looked over at my clock. It was 9:30 they really let me sleep in how nice. 'I wonder what they want?' my parents usually don't ever let me sleep in they come and wake me up at 7:30. Once they came and woke me up and I just fell right back to sleep. You know how parents always threaten to dump cold water on you if you don't wake up well my parents actually did. My dad came in my room and dumped a bucket of ice water on me. Lets just say that I learned my lesson. So today being able to sleep in today was nice.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower. I got out and just ran my fingers through my hair got dressed and ran down the stairs.

"Morning Tyler" my dad said as he walked over to the kitchen where my mom had made us breakfast.

"Hey sweetie I made you favorite. German pancakes," my mom said as she pulled them out of the oven and setting them on the stove.

"Ok what do you guys want?" I asked rising my eyebrows.

"We don't want anything," my mom said.

"Mhmmm, you let me sleep in, you made my favorite breakfast. So what's the catch?" I said taking a seat at the table with my dad.

"Well school starts in two days and we just thought we let you have two days to just rest," My dad said and his phone rang. "Excuse me," he said picking up the phone and leaving the room.

"Don't question it sweetie," my mom said setting a plate with pancakes on it in front of me and turning around to get herself some.

I ate my pancakes and went and washed my plate off. I started to head up to my room when I heard my mom. "Tyler will you help me and your father unpack the rest of the stuff," She asked.

I knew there was a catch.


We were almost done with packing which meant that I could see if Jewel wanted to hang out.

"Oh Tyler your cousin Alexis will be coming down for a few weeks maybe even a few months," My dad said as we picked up the last boxes.

"Cool so she'll be going to school with me?" I asked walking into the house.

"Yes but it won't be for to long so don't freak," He setting his down.

"I would I freak I don't mind that she'll be going to school with me," I said setting my box down.

"Really, good," He said and started to unpack the boxes.

We finished the boxes and me and my dad went and sat down on the couch a few moments later my mom came and sat down next to my dad.

I took out my phone and saw that the time was only 2:00. "Is it alright with you guys if I go hang with Jewel," I asked.

They both just looked at me " You seem to be hanging out with her a lot lately." My dad said

"Well I'm trying to make new friends," I said.

"Let him go James, it's fine go ahead," My mom said. I got up and went to my room to get better dressed. 

I texted Jewel to see if she could hang first.

Tyler: Hey Jewel did you want to hang out today?

Jewel : Ya that would be great I have some friends over just to warn you. But this way you can meet some new people.

Tyler: That's a good idea. Be over in a bit.

Jewel: Great see you then.

I got dressed in some jeans and a grey shirt. Then I ran downstairs and out the door and made my way over to Jewel's.

I knocked on her door and the door opened. Kaiden was there for a few second and then he ran the other way. Next thing I knew kaytie was coining towards the door.

"Come on in." She said. I walked in and she closed the door behind me.

She lead me to living room where there were four other people.

A blonde with green eyes. She was sitting with a boy with brown hair. Then on another couch there was a redhead sitting next to another boy with brown hair.

"Guys this is Tyler. He just moved in," she said turning to me and smiling.

"Hey Tyler," they all said almost in unison.

"This is Kylie," she said pointing to the blonde" and this is Matt," she said then pointing the guy who was sitting next to the blonde. "And over there is we have hope and Jake" she said pointing to the two on the couch. 

"Nice to meet you all," I said waving my hand.

"Come sit on the couch were just watching a movie," Kylie said patting the couch.

I went and sat down on the couch.

"I'm going to go make sure that Kaiden is alsleep but feel free to continue the movie," she said.

"No we can wait," said Hope. And Jewel headed up the stairs. A few minutes later she came back down the stairs.

"Alright he's out, lets finish the movie she said and came and sat down next to me on the couch.

We finished the movie and I got to know all of her friends a bit more. And then they all left.

Jewel and I started to pick up the cups and what's was left of the snacks. We headed into the kitchen and talked a some more.

"I should be heading home now," I said once we were finished. I headed towards the door.

"I'll see you Monday. Would you like to Catch a ride with me and Kaiden?" She asked opening up the door.

"Ya that would be nice," I said walking out the door. "See you on Monday," I said and started to walk home.

"Can't wait," she said and shut the door.

I walked home and all the lights were off which meant that parents were already alsleep. I went up stairs and got changed. I had went to sleep dreaming about her.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in long time. Here's this chapter and I hope you like it. And the new characters are at the top. Tell me what you think of this chapter? Enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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