{16/ rain on utopia teaser #2}

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{16/ rain on utopia teaser #2}

Kageyama hates humans. Kageyama hates how the continuously take and never give. But mostly, he hates how stupid they are. Don't they see how they are hurting all the plants and animals? Don't they see that they are slowly killing everything?

Kageyama also hates the King. The King is wise and stupid all at the same time... They should fight! Hell, they MUST fight! If they don't, the humans could destroy their forest, kill their friends, and kill them! But no... The King insists that there must be a peaceful way to stop the humans... The King insists that he, and everyone just needs to think. How could they stop the humans, in a peaceful manner? Who could help them stop the humans?

"WE SHOULD JUST FIGHT THEM," Kageyama had yelled, one day, earning himself an glare from Tanaka, one of the kingdom's strongest warriors. "ALL OF THE OTHER ANIMALS ARE FIGHTING THEM! WHY AREN'T WE? WHY, SUGAWARA-SAMA?"

"Don't you remember?" The King had asked Kageyama, with a small, tired sigh. "We are part human. To kill the humans would be like killing a part of ourselves. Besides, violence only leads to more violence."

"IF WE DON'T KILL THEM, THEY WILL KILL US," Kageyama had hollered in response, earning himself a loud scolding from Tanaka, who looked like he wanted to punch him.

The King...


The whole kingdom...

They are fools.

Don't they see that they are live in a world where it is kill or be killed?

"I'll show them who is write and who is wrong," Kageyama mutters, while flying towards the part of the forest that is filled with the growls of heavy machinery. Much to his delight, some of the workers aren't in the machines. They are out in the open... They are vulnerable.

Kageyama dives down, with the intent to peck their eyes out. Just as he is about a foot away from the workers, one of the machines turns...

Unable to stop himself, he flies right into the machine.

Amongst the growling of machines, the hissing of radios, and chatter of workers talking amongst themselves, no one notices Kageyama. No one notices that he flew right into the machine, and fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Well, not exactly no one....

A reporter, who happened to be sneaking around the construction site finds Kageyama.


Kageyama wakes up with a headache. He also finds himself in a strange place... He is inside a cabin. The cabin is sparsely decorated, and reminds him of the pictures of fancy houses, found within human magazines. Rubbing his sore head with one hand, he pushes himself up with the other. Upon doing so, he realizes something. He failed to transform completely.... Despite being in human form, he still has wings. To make matters worse, his wings have grown large to become proportionate with his body, and feel heavy...

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe, Kageyama attempts to transform completely. He can't. Kageyama curses under his breath. For the crow people, when they get hurt, or get really tired, they encounter issues trying to transform.

"Oh you're awake," an unfamiliar voice says, making Kageyama jump. "I was worried for a while... You looked all BLEHHHH and I thought you were dead." Turning his head to see who is talking, Kageyama finds himself looking at an orange haired human. At least, he assumes the man is a human since he's stupid. What kind of idiot would use a sound like BLEHHHH as an adjective? "What are you? I've never met anyone like you before... Do you live in this forest? I hope you don't... They're planning on building an apartment complex here." The man speaks fast, and fails to give Kageyama time to answer his questions, not that he would answer them anyway. After all, he is a human. And humans are his enemy. In fact, he should kill this human right now! He should... But he can't. This human helped him. He can't hurt someone that helped him. "You're probably wondering why I know that... Well you see, I'm a reporter. I'm writing about the construction, and it's impact on nature. I'm hoping that my article will inspire people to protest the construction."

The human...

The human is against the construction?

The human...

The human wants to save the forest?

Perhaps not all humans are his enemy.

Or, at the very least, maybe this human isn't his enemy...

/Just a reminder- search: asanoya will come out after this collection has 20 one shots, and rain on utopia will come out when screens is completed :)/

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