Hurt Becomes A One Chance

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"What? no this isn't me! I wouldn't do anything like that! Please believe me"-Y/N

"dead flame...Dead Flame...DEAD FLAME"-Everyone in site says throwing magic and spears and swords and anything they can find at me. A deep wound went right for my guild mark

"You don't deserve to be in the Fairy Tail guild"-Lucy/Erza/Gray/Natsu/Happy

"I wish you dropped dead"-Koe

"No please stop"-Y/N

*End Of Dream*


"Y/N It's alright it was just a nightmare!" Says Natsu while he hugged me tightly

"It...It was felt so real"-Y/N

I get up and walk outside. I look down to my guild mark and it was fine like if nothing happened.

"What a nightmare"-Y/N

I felt something fall from my face  so i wiped it was a golden tear.

"Why am i crying?"-Y/N

"Are you alright Y/N"-Natsu

"I'm fine it was nothing."-Y/N

"It was nothing? Y/N your crying and it's rare to see you cry! We are your friends, you can tell us anything."-Natsu

"I'll tell you later I really don't want to remember it"-Y/N

"Ok but don't forget because there is always someone that can help you."-Natsu

"Anyway let's go where we were before because if we get there late...then Erza"-Y/N


Time Skip" In The Middle Of The Way Back

"Hey Natsu."-Y/N

"What's up?"-Natsu

"What was I like?"-Y/N


"When I lost control 8 years ago"-Y/N

"I don't think you want to know Y/N"-Natsu

"Please tell me it's just that i want to make something clear."-Y/N


It was quiet the rest of the time and when we got back it was only Erza, Gray, Koe, Happy, and us.

"Where's Lucy and Loki?"-Natsu

"I don't know, but when they get back they are going to wish that they never left the guild!"-Erza

"O_O *Sweat drop*"-Everyone

"Hey guys! who will wish they never left the guild?"-Lucy

"o-o you're dead"-Everyone except Erza


"It's alright Lucy i wont break your heart you only have one..."-Erza

"Oh ok -U-"-Lucy



Then they get into a fight wow my life. Anyway while they were fighting and the boys trying to calm Erza down I see people that were trying to get through without us seeing but i don't think they know that there is a dragon slayer here >U<. I walked over here without them knowing


"Oh look who we have here!"-One of the criminals


The Elemental Spirit Slayer (Fairy Tail Elsword cross over)Where stories live. Discover now