The True Past Of Sorrow

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As Natsu and I were walking home suddenly all of time and space completely just


"What the hell?" I say to myself but suddenly a flash of purple comes right to my eyes.

As I open my eyes I see myself in front of the guild hall(Hi readers it's me the dot fam)

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As I open my eyes I see myself in front of the guild hall
(Hi readers it's me the dot fam)
The old guild hall.
I put up my hood so no one can see my face (you have on: your coat with your scarf underneath, a gray undershirt, black mini shorts, knee high combat boots, and fingerless gloves). As I walk into the guild I used a spell that Koe taught me so I can turn into a shadow. I turn into one and as I walk in I see something odd

Myself as a child
I get closer and closer till I see everyone having fun (including Koe) but me. I was always in a corner and my eyes always connected to the floor like if I knew if I stared at it for years I would get Scarlex back. As I walk in I suddenly turn back cause you know I don't fully how to do the spell. Gramps, Erza, and Mira were the only one who sensed my presence.
"And who might you be young one"-Gramps
"Are you a spy from the magic council"-Erza
"My Erza so suspicious"-Mira
"You got a death wish ready because I'm about ready to slit your throat"-Erza
"I'll like to see you try"-Mira
"Mind if I chat with you in your office gra-Sir?"-Y/N
"Why of course"-Gramps
We walk in and as I walk inside I put a rune so no one can hear.
"So why are you here"-gramps
I uncover my face and his eye twitches a bit
"Oh my you look rather familiar"-Gramps
"Gramps my name is Y/N L/N and my guild is the Fairy Tail Guild"-Y/N
I show him my guild mark and his eyes widen
"H-how did you get here Y/'re so mature and a bit older"-Gramps
"I don't know myself but what I do know is that I need to get back"-Y/N
"There is only one person who can help you"-Gramps
"Oh I think I understand. But when I saw the purple light I know that this kind of spell also works with memories so I'm certain that once I leave you and everyone who saw me at this age will forget."-Y/n
"Then you don't have to be hiding anymore"-Gramps
"you're right. Well I'll be on my way"-y/n I walk out with my hood down so when I walked out everyone was staring at me
"Can I see Y/N L/N, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, and Erza Scarlet?"-Me
They all walk in front of me as they see gramps nod happily
"Mind if I speak with you guys outside?"-Me
We walk out and they all stare at me with confusion.
"My name is Y/N L/N and I'm 16 years old. I come from let's say the future and I need to know something"-Me
"Is that really you Y/N"-Erza
"From the future"-Gray
"That's so cool"-Natsu
The me from the past just stares at me with a surprised look filled with a bit of emotion
"I need to know if any of you did something to bend time"-Me
"It was me"-...CLIFFHANGER :D
I made a short one cause it's 2 AM and I wanted to be nice for once. BE HAPPY *-*

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