Chapter 4: Making Sure

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*Ukene's P.O.V*

I felt a soft thump in my head as I ate breakfast. It wasn't very painful, but it still hurt nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" asked Luffy.

I looked over at him and nodded my head. "I just need some water..."

I got up from the table and excused myself. I went over to the sink and filled my glass up. I drank some water and found that the pounding was still there.

I decided to search my memory bank to see if I've ever had this happen before. I don't quite remember such a thing being possible. And, I was right. There was nothing there about soft head aches, only severe ones.

I'm supposed to be the first android, the simplest. And yet, my body still confuses me to know end. When I think about this, I can only come to one conclusion: Simple things like myself are rather confusing. Say goes for love and other simple words.

I wonder if all along, this has been a test for the... Professor. He probably never even-

I stopped myself as I sighed.

I can't keep on thinking negative like that. There has to be a reason the Professor left. He's always had a reason to back up his actions. Like when he made me from my all human self and I agreed to his actions.

There's always a reason as there is a way.

I got up and logged out of my own internal database. I wasn't going to find anything there, except for old memories and more questions.

"Are you sure you're alright, Ukene?" asked Luffy as he sat beside me.

"I'm fine, Luffy," I said with a small smile. "Just have a small headache is all."

"I see..." Luffy then whispered.

"You don't have to whisper," I ended up whispering back.

"My voice is kind of loud," whispered back Luffy.

"It's okay. You can talk as you normally would," I whispered.

"What are you guys whispering about?" whispered Chopper.

"Ukene has a headache," whispered Luffy.

"But, you don't have to whisper, Chopper," I whispered. "Same goes for you Luffy."

"Why the heck are you guys whispering?" asked Sanji as he broke our whisper triangle.

"Shhh!" hissed Chopper and Luffy.

I sighed and decided to let the three whisper argue.


I sat out on the deck and watched as the waves gently pushed at the ship. I looked at the island at which we were still docked at. My home, or at least it had been my home.

I can't say I was too sad about leaving it all. The amount of technology was suffocating compared to where the Professor and I lived before. The land had a metallic smell to it and I really had no one to talk to.

Well, the talking to thing is a lie.

I had plenty of people to talk to. My "siblings" or "children" as I called them. They were the other androids the Professor manufactured.

Some were made with humans who had wanted to become a robot, and others were just robots. But, they were all my "siblings"/"children".

I call them "siblings" and "children" because they call me "big bro/sis" and "Mother-board/ Oka-san". It's a strange program that the Professor saw fitting at the time. He wanted me to feel like I had a large family seeing as I really didn't have anyone other than him once we ran away together.

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