Chapter 3: Morning.

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*Ukene's P.O.V*

I slipped under the covers after taking a nice warm shower. I snuggled into the blankets as I tried to drift off to sleep before Luffy could come and join me.

I didn't want to not get any rest, despite not really needing any... I could really just run on oil and solar energy if needed. However, if I did that then all of my natural emotions would disappear. I'd really become a robot if that were to happen.

I shook my head as I tried to force myself to sleep. I really didn't want to be up by the time Luffy got in bed. It took me weeks to get used to the Professor! Imagine someone I just met?!

I then heard the door creak open, which resulted in a small yelp to be released from my lips.

"It's okay. It's just me," hummed Luffy as he came in.

I looked over to see him drying his hair with a towel.

"I... Okay," I said as I just layed there.

Uke-chan programming told me to say something like, 'You scared me... J-Jeez!'

But I ignored the protocol and just layed there. That was the good thing about having a human side... I didn't always have to follow the program. However, when it came to some of the Professor's programming, my body refused to refuse.

I really didn't like that...

"Are you okay?" asked Luffy as he crawled into the bed. "You're shaking."

I bit down on my bottom lip.

"L... Luffy?" I questioned. "You do know what type of android I am, right?"

"Yeah," said Luffy as he made himself comfortable in the bed. "A Uke Bot."

I nodded as I sat up. "Do you know what that means?"

"Not at first," said Luffy. He then blushed and looked away. "But, I asked Robin and Nami while you were meditating or other and they told me what a uke was. I don't discriminate though! So, you can be into whoever you want!"

I sighed. "I belong to you, baka. In other words, I can't "be into whoever I want"."

Luffy made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "So, does that mean... That we..."

"Only if you want to," I said as I looked away.

Luffy shook his head. "You don't have to worry about that kind of stuff! I'm perfectly fine with the relationship we have now... Like friends and stuff."

I nodded. "Mmkay. Well, good night Luffy."

I lay down and felt my heart begin to calm down. Luffy was truly a good person.

I then felt arms wrap around me and pull me closer.

I looked back to see Luffy blushing like mad.

"This i-is just i-in c-case y-your program goes a-all wonkie because of l-lack of affection," said Luffy as he looked away. "Franky told me that can happen with all androids in the Lover Bot Series."

I blushed as well and nodded. "Thank you."

Luffy nodded as he began to drift into a deep sleep.

As he fell asleep, so did I.

It was nice and calming... Nothing like I thought it would be.

It was perfect~


I awoke to an embarrassing scene. My arms were wrapped around Luffy's neck and my legs around his waist. I am quite shocked to say that his hasn't ever happened when I was with the Professor. Maybe I've developed abandonment issues? Or am I really this attached to Luffy already? I don't know about these things that much, do I...

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