Chapter 5: Return to Ship

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*Ukene’s P.O.V*

I arrived at the ship a little later than I had planned. Everyone seemed okay though. I walked over to where Luffy was and smiled. He seemed to seem so at place as he stared out into the sea. He looked so confident and proud, the exact opposite at myself when I look at the ocean. All I can think about is sunken ships and people drowning, plus the occasional curiosity of what lies beneath.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not afraid of the ocean. It is where quite a bit of my food comes from, afterall. I’m just… cautious.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I poked Luffy on his side. He jumped slightly, like, very slightly to where it was barely visible that he had even moved.

“Glad you’re back, Ukene,” said Luffy as he gave me a large smile.

I nodded my head. “Sorry it’s a little later than what I had said.”

“It’s alright,” said Luffy. “As long as you came back, it’s fine.”

I blinked as I looked at Luffy. He seemed to let out a small breath of… relief? To be honest, I felt relieved that he felt that way. It would have been sad if he hadn’t cared at all.

“I didn’t get everything taken away from me,” I said as I leaned on the ship’s banister with Luffy.

Luffy rose an eyebrow and looked at me with curiosity.

“One android and his partner who are both precious to me still remember me,” I said. I then began to sniffle as I smiled. “They still remember me.”

Luffy then pat me on my head. “That’s good. I guess, the Professor guy had somewhat of a heart.”

My eyes widened slightly. I then nodded my head. “Yeah. I just wish he would have had enough feelings for me to tell me.”

Luffy nodded in understanding. “Hey, Ukene.”

I looked up at Luffy. “Yes?”

“I don’t really know much about your situation with the Professor or whatever,” said Luffy. “But, even though it may be hard, don’t give up. I don’t really know how “don’t-give-up” applies here, but I do know it’s something that you’ve got to do, okay?”

I watched as Luffy grinned. How could I say no?

I then smiled myself and nodded my head. “You’re right.”

Luffy then nodded his head. “Yosh! Let’s get to bed now, Ukene.”

I sweatdropped. “H… Hai.”

He’s way too enthusiastic about going to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up before Luffy, and it was just as embarrassing as the first time… Only worse! .////×////.

I lay on top of Luffy with my legs wrapped around his waist. My arms rested on his chest while Luffy’s arms kept my waist on top of his.

I began to try and wiggle out of Luffy’s grip, but his arms refused to let me go.

“L-Luffy,” I whispered so I could slightly wake him up in order to move.

Luffy just ignored me and slept on as I struggled.

‘What if someone comes in and sees?’ I thought as I managed to unwrap my legs from around Luffy’s waist.

I continued to try to get out of Luffy’s grasp. However, I began to panic as I felt Luffy’s hands go further down my back. I felt my face go red as he landed on my bum. He muttered, “This is a big turkey.”

My face then went even redder if possible.

‘I must escape!’ I thought as I blushed even more. I then felt Luffy begin to grope my behind which made me jump slightly.

“It’s taste pretty good…” Luffy muttered in his sleep.

‘How the heck does he eat meat?!’ I thought as I felt my face flush red to the point it looked like a cherry.

“L-Luffy,” I stuttered out as my face felt like it was on fire. “W-Wake up please.”

Luffy squirmed slightly, but didn’t get up. In fact, his moving made things worse.

“L-L-Luffy!” I exclaimed as I headbutt him.

Luffy then woke up as he held his chin. “Ow! Ow! Ow!”

I jumped off and blushed as I quickly fixed myself. ‘That was terrifying,’ I thought as I blushed.

“What was that for Ukene?!” exclaimed Luffy.

“I… I’m sorry, b-b-but,” I began. I then felt like my face poofed in a red heat. “I-I-I need to go out to buy a futon!”

Before I could fully exit the room, Luffy grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

“That still doesn’t explain anything,” said Luffy as he was dangerously close to my ear.

I gulped and said, “So far, I’ve only woken up before you. This means, I’m the one who sees the position we sleep in first. It would be okay if it was a small hug or something, but whenever I wake up, I find my body clinging to yours Luffy. It’s embarrassing.”

“Luffy?” I then looked back to see Luffy’s face as red as mine.

“Why are you blushing?!” I exclaimed with a red face.

“Why are you blushing?!” Luffy shouted back with an equally red face.

“I’ve been blushing all morning!” I exclaimed.

Luffy was about to say something back when he just hushed himself. He then grabbed his hat and used it to cover his face.

“L… L-Luffy?” I asked.

He then put his hat on his head as he grinned. “You’re really cute, Ukene!”

I felt my cheeks heat up.

“Also, that’s a no,” said Luffy.

“No?” I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

“No to getting a futon,” said Luffy as he blushed. “I like sleeping together. It’s comfortable.”

“Eh~” I said as I blushed. “You’re the cuter one Luffy!”

Luffy’s eyes widened as I tackled him with a hug.


“They’re making a lot of noise in Luffy’s room,” said Sanji as he made cooked some eggs.

“At least they’re not doing what Ukene was made to do,” said Franky. “But, I wonder how long Ukene can last without it.”

“Don’t even think about that!” exclaimed Nami.

Franky chuckled. “It’s what the guy was made for afterall. However, it may be different seeing as he’s part human, like, more than the rest of them.”

“We can only hope,” said Sanji as he sighed. “I don’t think I can bare with hearing Luffy enjoying himself when I barely get anything myself.”

The rest of the crew sweatdropped.

“As expected from someone like Sanji,” said Nami as she glared at the blonde.

Chopper nodded. “But… what does Sanji mean by Luffy 'enjoying himself'?”

The gang sweatdropped at Chopper’s question.

“That’s something that can be answered when you’re older, Chopper,” said Sanji as he smiled at his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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