Chapter I: New Beginnings

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Steve's POV
Today was the first day of the week. Another start to a hopefully successful week of crime fighting. I thought to myself as a drove up to work, suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked the voice on the other side. I looked down at the caller I.D. but the number reads as unknown on my phone. "Who is this?"

"Steve, it's me Annie, there's been an accident I'm in the hospital right now and they don't think I'll make it. Please hurry I need to tell you something." A voice I soon recognize as Annie, my ex-wife that I've never told anyone about, not even Catherine my current girlfriend of 4 years, says with a panicked voice.

"Okay I'll hurry." I tell her and then hang up backing out of my parking spot and zooming towards the hospital.

When I get there I run up to the front desk and ask for what room Annie Roberts is in then half run half walk to her room. Once inside I rush to next to her.

"Annie, what happened?" I ask her. I look at her, she looks like she was in a car accident but I can't be sure.

"Just know one thing I was murdered." She answers. The word murdered rings through me I almost don't here her last words, "you have to take care of Jenna for me your all she has left." Then her eyes roll back in her head and her final breath is drawn. That's the last word I ever heard from my best friend from childhood.

Who's Jenna is all I can think about right now. I need to find her and tell her about what happened to her mom? I guess and how I'm going to find justice for who did this. I hit my palm against my head. How on earth am I going to take care of her I promised her mom and now... now I just don't know what to do.

I stand up and leave the room first find Jenna, then find justice.

Authors note: Hello I hope you enjoyed this. This is the first chapter of my new story Daughter of Five-0. Enjoy

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