Chapter 10: Shoot down at High Noon (sort of)

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Jenna's POV

After the final bell rang I went out to the front of the school to wait for Alyssa, because we were walking home together. As it turns out Steve's house was only a couple blocks from her house.

"The last few days have been super crazy, thanks for sticking with me." I thank her.

"Why would I not," Alyssa begins to tell me. "You've stuck with me and I'm just straight up crazy." With that statement we both laugh. "What's it like living with a police officer? Is he super strict? Are there a lot of rules?"

"No there's next to no rules." I answer her, "surprising. It's pretty cool, knowing that you have the police with you even when your at home. Speaking of home we're at yours."

"Well I'll see you tomorrow bye." Alyssa says to me.

"Bye." I saw as I wave to her and walk away.

Suddenly out of no where a big black car pulls up and the window rolls down and someone from the inside pulls out a gun and shoots me. Then they speed away. I don't feel myself hit the ground but seconds later I'm on the ground. Black spots fill my vision. Then I pass out.

Steve's POV

One minute I'm searching the name Jenna gave me the next I'm picking up my phone with a call from the hospital.

"What happened to Jenna?" I ask the lady on the other side of the phone.

"She was shot Commander," the nurse replies.

"We rushed her into the O.R. right when she got here." The nurse explains, "she was already unconscious when she got picked up by the ambulance. Her friend called it in."

"What was the friends name?" I ask the nurse.

"She said her name was Alyssa." The nurse answers.

"Is she okay the friend?" I ask, if that girl got shot too...

"Yes, but she hasn't left Jenna's side since she went into recovery." The nurse informs me.

"Alright I'll be there in a few minutes." I say as I hang up and rush out the door.

"Wait Steve where are we going now?" Danny asks.

"Jenna's been shot." I answer and that's a I have to say to get Danny out the door.

This time Danny doesn't say anything about my reckless driving. He understands me this time, having someone so young hurt for who knows what reason. I'm just glad Danny's here to help me.

"I'm sure she'll be okay, she's a fighter like you." Danny reassures me, "she has the Mcgarrett name and I've never met a Mcgarrett to get shot unfatally and not make it through."

"Yeah your right, she'll pull through." I respond, "hopefully." I say under my breath.

When we pull up to the hospital I run in and ask for the room with Jenna Mcgarrett in it and they direct me to it without any questions asked. They should really up the security. Note to self put armed guard in front of Jenna's room in case they try to finish the job.

I stop in front of the door to Jenna's room unsure of what I'll find.

Authors note: Sorry I couldn't find a good picture to use... please enjoy anyways and comment any suggestions.

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