Chapter 4: Five-0

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Jenna's POV
Once we got there we walked into this room where three other people were standing around a table discussing something. When we got into the room they stopped and looked up at me.

"Who's this Steve?" The girl asked.

"This is Jenna everyone," Steve says. "Jenna this is Kono, Chin, and Grover they're all part of Five-0."

"Hello," I say to them.

"This might take while," Steve tells me. "Do you want to go sit in my office while I'm working?" He asks me.

"Sure." I answer.

"Its right down there," Steve says then points to a room near the door.

I open it and go inside, then I sit down in the chair and pull out my phone and start to tell my friends what happened.

Steve's POV

After Jenna is inside my office I turn around to explain to the team what happened. After that train wreck of an explanation and a whole bunch of questions we start to work on solving the case of Annie's murder.

"So what'd you guys find out so far?" I ask.

"Not a lot Max said he would call us when he finished the autopsy." Grover tells me.

Almost as if it was on cue the phone rings and I see that it's Max. I hit the pick up button.

"What'd you find out Max?" Kono asks.

"Well I didn't find out much at first but then I decided to see if she had anything running through her blood at the time." Max tells us.

"You mean like poison?" Danny asks. How'd she been poisoned? Oh well when I find the person who did this they're going to wish they had used that poison on themselves.

"Yes actually a rare form of poisonous venom from a snake from South America." Max replies.

"So you mean this was planned and thought out? Right?" I ask again the next few words are all I need to hear to open an investigation.

"Yes Annie Roberts was murdered." He answers

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