Chapter 3: Moving Day

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Jenna's POV
As we were driving to my house I could hear Danny and Steve silently arguing. Well not completely silent, they were whispering back and forth probably about me. Suddenly Steve speaks up.

"Jenna your house is just up here right?" Steve asks, pointing to my house.

"Yeah," I start, "sorry if I'm causing trouble between you guys."

"Oh no it's not you it's always Steve's fault." Danny speaks up, "just wish he told me about Annie sooner."

"What do you mean?" I ask, "did Steve tell you about all of his friends from from when he was a kid?"

"Look there's something I didn't tell you..."Steve starts with a sigh, "you see your mom and I after we graduated high school we decided to get married. So we did and everything was great but after a year your mom, the love of my life, thought it was but to get a divorce and just be friends."

"So your my dad?" I ask. What is going on I wish my mom was here.

"Yeah technically she just didn't tell me for some reason." He tells me.
We pull into my driveway and I get out of the car.

"How long do you think it'll take you to get your stuff?" Danny asks me.

"I don't know 30-45 minutes I guess..." I answer then I run inside to grab my stuff.

I pull out my suitcase out from underneath my bed and start shoving everything inside. A couple suitcases later I drag them out of my room and shove them down that stairs. Did I mention I live in a two story house?

"I think that's all of it." I tell them from the top of the stairs.

"Okay we can always come back later for the rest of it." Steve says, suddenly his phone rings. "Sorry I have to take this call." He walks into the other room on his phone.

I start to walk down the stairs when I remember something. My phone charger is still plugged in next to my bed, I grab it then run back down the stairs.

"Sorry I forgot my charger." I say.
"Sorry looks like we can't go straight back home," Steve says to me then turns to Danny, "Kono just got a lead in the case we gotta go."

I grab my stuff and throw it in the trunk. While we are driving I notice that Steve's a really reckless driver, no wonder they argue in the car so much any one would with this amount of crazy driving.

"So what did your mom do for a living?" Steve asks, "did she have any enemies? Anyone who might want to do this to her?"

"No everyone likes her," I start, "she was a marine biologist down on the beach. I guess there was the occasional disagreement, but she never really said much about those."

"Hmm," Steve answers.

A few minutes later we pull up too the Five-0 headquarters. I've never been inside before but I bet it's pretty cool. I think to myself. Then we start to walk inside.

Authors note: here are the first three chapters of my story please enjoy and leave comments below.

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