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Hey everyone so this os my second book my first one was on my other wattpad account but ot was a really bad one so im not sure how this one will be so read at your own risk lol

"Amy hurry up and come down"my dad yelled

"Coming dad" I yelled back. So as you can guess my name is Amy Lupin daughter of Remus Lupin he is the best dad anyone can have. He is really understanding and everything the only problem is-is that he is a werewolf, well it really isn't that bad it just means that I have to stay in my room the whole night while he is in this weird room underneath the house. He is always tired after he transforms back into a man so I have to look after him for the rest of the day not that it is really hard but, lets just say I'm not going to be able to help anymore.

"Whats up dad" I say as I come down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Well I've just gotten a letter from Albus Dumbledore well two actually"

"You mean the Hogwarts headmaster" I say in a really exited voice. I've always want to go to Hogwarts but my dad sent me to Beauxbatons an all school for girls and I'm in my third year.

"Yes the Hogwarts headmaster and he has offered me a job at Hogwarts for the position of DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts)"


"I was thinking that and i have already sent a letter saying I would accept the job and there us something else" my dad hands me a letter with the Hogwarts sign on it. My breath hitches could this be it. I open it up and it says-


                                                                        Headmaster:Albus Dumbledore
  (Order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf warlock,supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards)

Dear Miss Amy Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find eclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 september. We await your owl by no later than 31 July

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

"Well what does it say Amy" I smile really widely and I think he gets it

"You've been accepted haven't you" my smile gets wider and nod my head

"Yeah I have dad, can you believe it I'm going to Hogwarts" i bounce up and down while he just chuckles

"Well pass me your school list and we'll see what you need" I pass him my school list

Third-year students will require:

Un-fogging the future, by Cassandra Vablatsky

Intermidiate transfiguration, by Emeric Switch

The standard book of spells-grade three, by Miranda Goshawk

A history of magic, by bathilda Bagshot

Magical theory, by Adalbert Waffling

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