chapter 2 DIAGON ALLY

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"Daaaaaaaaad hurry up" I wined dad had just turned up yet before we got my things he wanted to go to the pet shop or whatever its called

"Hold on Amy I want to get something real fast just stay out here for a minute alright"

"Fine just quick I want to get my school things" as dad went in I started thinking about random things like I wonder what Hogwarts is like, How many friends will I make, Will I be friends with Harry Potter 'cause if I am I hope he isn't a show of, What if I'm not in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw or in Hufflepuff and I'm in Slitherin would dad mind and what would I do on a full moon- oh yeah did I mention that I'm a werewolf. Big shock right well what happened was one time it was a full moon, well it was only like two weeks or something but yeah, dad was under the house and I at the top in my room when I had a nightmare about this man that looked like a rat/man and he framed this other man who un-usually looked like me. The person that looked like a rat started yelling at the other man, the one that looks like me, something about him betraying these people or something then the man that looked like at rat killed a handful (forgot how many it was) and then turned into a rat and went somewhere. So I went down below the house and dad must of forgotten to take his potion because when I went down there I instantly got bitten then dragged myself up to my room. My dad know that he bit me and I find it weird that the dream really scared me but it felt like I knew both of those men and that I had to help the one that looked like me but I don't know why.

"Earth to Amy" my dad yelled in my face

"Huh oh sorry dad just day dreaming "

"Yeah never would've guessed" he smirked "Anyways I bought you something"

"Oh cool what is it" as I said this he took a white and black owl from behind his back

"Oh he is gorgeous is he really for me"

"Uh- huh its a gift for Hogwarts so you don't have to keep using Olly and you'll be able to message fleur and all your other friends from Beauxbatons whenever you want. So what you going to name him"

"I'm going to name him Orion" My dad seemed surprised by this "Dad what's the matter"

"Oh nothing" He mumbled "Come on you wanted to get your new school things didn't you" he mumbled again and started walking towards. I couldn't understand the problem of his name I mean there are lots of birds called Orion right?

''Come on lets go get your books first''

''Alright'' and we started walking to Flourish and Blotts. As we walked in the owner came up to us.

'Hello how can I help you''

''Hi'' my dad replied ''could we please get Un-fogging the future, Intermidiate transfiguration, The standard book of spells-grade three, A history of magic, One thousand magical herbs and fungi, Magical drafts and potions, The dark forces: A guide to self-protection and The monster book''

''Ah you going to Hogwarts''

''Yeah'' I replied. The owner went to go get my books and my dad went to this part of the store that had books about werewolves and things like that.

''Alright here are you books let me just go get the monster book'' you could tell that he really didn't want to get that book though, I wonder why. He went up to a cage sort of thing and put a thick glove on. What he did next I didn't expect he put his hand into the cage that was full of books that looked like a book that was half spider.

''Ugh I am never ordering those books again. I once ordered 200 books of invisibility and when I got them I couldn't find them''

''Wow that must of been annoying'' I said and handed over a few gallons for the books

''All finished'' my dad asked coming up behind me

''Yep all finished we can go home now I've already got the other things at home''

''Alright lets go'' dad said and we went through the floo powder system home.

''Alright go put your books in your trunk alright'' dad ordered in a calm tone when we got home . I went up to my room and put the books away in my trunk then went to dads room, I was getting annoyed on not knowing why my last name was Black on my book list instead of Lupin.

''Hey dad can I ask you something?'' I asked as I went into his room

''you just did but you can ask another one '' he replied cheekily

''har har.......but anyways why did my last name on the book list say Black instead of Lupin''

''Uh why don't you sit down'' he said hesitantly

''Yeah sure'' I said and sat down

''Alright well you must know that Amy you aren't my real daughter'' he said slowly looking me I the eye. I looked through his eyes looking to see if he was lying but I couldn't find anything.

''I'm not your real daughter'' I stuttered

''no i'm sorry Amy''

'' But then if your not my real dad then who is''

''Well its uh, Sirius Black'' he whispered the last part

''Sirius Black like the one that broke out of Azkaban'' I asked shaking lightly

''Um yes''

''is that why he broke out of Azkaban too come after me''

''Too come after you and Harry Potter'' When dad said Harry Potter I understood my father is the reason that Harry's parents are dead so its obvious that, that is why he's going after Harry to kill him as well. But I'm not sure why he'd come after me, he could've done that for twelve years and yet he hadn't.

''Well I don't care if he is my real father he was never here for me and you were so you are my real father and dad''

''Are you sure Amy ''

''Positive. I'm going to bed night dad''

''Goodnight Amy'' He mumbled into my hair as I hugged him. I walked into my room and into my bed, but it only took me just as I hit the pillow to sleep even though all that had happened today.

Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter


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