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The second week of school had came with Defence Against the Dark Arts was first up on Monday.

''Get up Amy your going to miss breakfast if you don't get up'' Hermione had yelled into my ear while hitting me with a pillow.

''AHHHHHH'' I screamed and fell of my bed. I sat up on the floor and glared at Hermione.

''Sorry but you wouldn't get up. Breakfast ends in half an hour so you might want to hurry up and get dressed so you can get something top eat before class starts up'' After she said that she went to where her bed is and started packing her bag for the day. I looked around the room to find it was only us two so I assumed that Lavender and Pravati were down eating in the great hall. Getting up I took my robes and walked into the bathroom having a very, very short five minute shower upsetting I know I usually have ten-twenty minute showers but because I want food in my stomach I unfortunately have to have a short one. Hopping out of the shower I dried my body and blow-dried my hair and got dressed. After putting on a small layer of light and natural make-up I went out of the bathroom and fixed my bag up ready for the day and walked out. Iran through the portrait hole and towards the great hall. Having ten minutes to eat I go and sit next to the golden trio.

''Finally up I see'' Harry teases me

''Oh shut up at least I'm here. So you guys exited for DADA'' I say changing the subject

'' Of course we are professor Lupin is the best DADA teacher we have had with the last two professors either got burnt or had their memories modified'' I had flinched when Ron had said this after finally looking up from stuffing his face with food

''Ron stop eating with your mouth full'' Hermione had glared at Ron who quickly swallowed and looked away

''Sorry 'mione'' Ron had apologized

'' You guys don't think that something will happen to my dad do you'' I asked concerned

'' No of course not unless he is like helping the dark lord, mentally obsessed with himself or something like that, but if not he should be alright. He isn't like that is he?'' harry had replied and asked the last part really quickly

''No of course not he is normal nothing wrong with him'' I had said it to quickly that Hermione had looked at me suspiciously but Harry and Ron had believed me and left it

'' That's good well come on we better go or we will be late for DADA'' Harry had gotten up followed by me, Ron and Hermione. Half way towards the DADA class Ron had the idea of racing the rest of the way and lets just say never underestimate girl power ( me and Hermione had bet Harry and Ron by far)

''That wasn't fair me and Harry weren't ready'' Ron had said grumpily

'' Yeah whatever Ronald you and Harry were totally not ready even though you guys started running before me and Hermione'' I had replied sarcastically. W only had a few minutes to talk as dad had walked up to us.

''Right everyone we will be doing our lesson in the staff room today so please follow me'' Dad had turned around and started walking back the way he had come. With a few curious glances we followed dad towards the staff room. On the way we had a run in with Peeves.

''Loony, loopy Lupin'' Peeves sang. '' Loony, loopy Lupin, loony loopy Lupin -'' Everyone gave weird looks to Peeves as he usually had respect towards to all the professors. Everyone had looked at dad to see his reaction but he had a straight and calm face on.

'' I'd take that gum out of the keyhole, if I were you Peeves Mr Filch wont be able to get in to his brooms'' Dad had said to Peeves totally ignoring what Peeves had said to him earlier, so much like him. Peeves paid no attention on what dad had said to him and blew a loud wet raspberry. Dad had gotten out his wand and looked over his shoulder

''This is a very useful spell, please watch closely'' You could see everyone lean forward to see what dad was about to do to peeves

'' Waddiwasi'' dad yelled at Peeves. The piece of gum flew out of the keyhole and straight into Peeves's left nostril and he flew away yelling at the top of his lungs. After that interruption with Peeves we finally made it to the staff room. We walked in to see Snape about to leave, slimy old git he is.

"Lupin im sure if you know but this class has Neville Longbottom in and unless Granger is whispering instructions then I suggest that you make sure that he had nothing to do in this class as he fails everything" Slim ball had said, like my nickname i made for him.

"Well professor if you had actually helped us in class instead of thinking that we could make any potion without you showing us how to make it then I think that you should be happy that Hermione was whispering Neville instructions because he ended up getting it right didn't he? " I told him before dad could say anything to snape

"Well Severus I was thinking that Neville could help me with something" dad had said calmly unlike me who just exploded. Snape grunted and walked out giving me a glare on his way out. Dad walked towards the corner of the room where there was a cupboard that was shaking.

"Now can anyone tell me what is in here"

"There is a boggart in there" I replied

"Good. Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like"

"No one knows" -Hermione had said behind me 'when did she get here' I thought-" A boggart takes shape on what fears you the most that's what makes them so terrifying" Hermione concluded

"Exactly 5 points each Hermione and Amy. Bebop can you come here" dad pointed infront of the cupboard and Neville slowly walked there

"Now Neville what do you fear the most" Nevil had muttered something that no one could hear

"I'm sorry Neville but i didn't hear you"

"Professor snape" Neville had said a bit louder. Dad chuckled

"Yes he is a bit scary isn't he now Iknow that you live with your grandmother as well don't you"

"Yes but I don't want it to turn into her either" Neville had looked petrified at the thought of having to deal with snape and his grandmother at the same time

"Don't worry it won't know this is I want you to do" Dad leaned down and whispered something into Nevilles ear. Once he finished Neville looked ip at dad with a expression that looked like he was being forced to use the killing curse on someone

"Alright ready Neville" he nodded and looked towards the cupboard. Dad opened the cupboard and out walked proffesor snape. After a few tries Neville finally got the spell right

"RIDDIKULUS" Boggart snape's clothes had changed and where now clothes that an old lady would wear and everyone started laughing

"Brilliant Neville NEXT" We went through ehat seemed like half the class and some where really stupid like snakes, ( AN I think its wierd that people are scaredi mean i have two snakes as my pets) a mummy, banshee, a rat but the only one that i was scared of was a dpider that was Ron's and i agree with him spiders are like the scariest. After Ron had finished his it was my shot and my dad was careful enough to look away as it turned into a full moon. I said the spell and made the moon blow up and have glitter scatter everywhere, next was Harry and I think dad thought it might turn into Lord Voldemort but it turned into a dementor but that didn't stop dad from going infront of it. The dementor changed into the full moon like mine and he changed it into a balloon

"Well thats the end of class and five points to everyone who had a turn" there were alot of 'aww's but left anyways but I stayed behind to talk to dad

"You okay dad"

"Yes I am are you okay"

"Yeah I am I just wanted to make sure you were all right" dad chuckles

"Im fine you better get going for your next class and don'tforget to meet me outside my office after classes"

"I know dad" I left after that and went to my next class

Alright its finished was it alright plz tell me if it was

QUESTION: im curious on what you guys did on the holidays so please tell me i want to know ☺


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