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As we walked through the Hogwarts corridor all the first years were 'ooing' and 'awwing' but me, I was just walking. We walked up to a huge pair of doors where a lady thay looked really old was.

"Thankyou Hagrid"

"No problem professor" Hagrid went through those big doors

"Through these doors are four houses Griffendor, Slitherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw that you will get sorted into. While you are at school these houses will be your family, you do something well you will get points for your house but if you do something bad you will loose points. Come" with that the professor turned and pushed the doors open. Inside was five old fashion tables with either students or teachers. We walked up the front towards a small looking stool that had a really old and ugly hat.

"I will call your name and you will come up and try the hat on" the professor had gone through students and more until I was the very last on left

"Amy Black" as i walked up i could hear all the whispers probably 'cause of my last name

"Ahh a black" the hat had said while sitting on my head " I have had your dad sitting right here not long ago,had a very keen mind to proove himself and as I see you do as well" the hat kept going on and on but it finally made its decision

"GRYFFINDOR " The whole great hall was silence and my dad and Dumbledor had to start the clapping as no one else would. I went to sit down at the Gryffindor table. It was then when i saw i had no one to sit by but Harry had saved my life and called me over to sit down. Dumbledor came up to his eagle stand.

"As you would know a few dementors had checked the train earlier this was because of Siriuse Black. The dementors have been stationed at every entrance of the school but I request that you all try to stay away from them as no matter who you are they might just feed of you. On a happier note we have two new professors joining us this year Professor Lupin" my dad stood up when his name was mentioned and everyone clapped but me the loudest. He sat back down once everyone had stopped clapping.

"Will be the new DADA teacher and we have lost our Care Of Magical Creatures professor so she will be replaced with our own Rebeus Hagrid" the half giant stood up nocking down half the things on the staff table. The Gryffindor table clapped the loudest when Hagrid stood up, he must be popular for the Gryffindor's. Professor Dumbledore said a few more things and the tables filled with all different types of dinner foods. I took as much food my plate would take.

''Your nearly as bad as Ron'' I looked up to see Harry looking between me and Ron. I looked at Ron to see that he had even more food on his plate then I do.

''Well a girl has to eat'' I said smirking. I looked up at dad knowing he could hear with his werewolf hearing to see him looking at me smirking as well. We all talked some more until it was time to go. Harry, Hermione and Ron got up ready to leave.

''Hey umm guys do you think you could show me where the common room is''

''Yeah of course did you think we were just going to let you wonder the castle with no clue where to go. Come on'' Hermione took my hand and lead me to the common room but we couldn't get in, this lady was trying to sing but couldn't do it but we finally got in.

''the girls dorm is this way and the boys are there'' Hermione pointed at two different stair cases

''The boys can't come into our dorms but we can go into theirs so if we need Harry or Ron we can just go to their room. Alright here is our room'' We walked into a room where a girl called Lavender Brown, Pravati Patil were.

''Your bed is there next to mine'' She pointed to two beds with trunks at the front

''Alright bed we have our first lessons tomorrow'' Hermione said strictly and I saw the other two girls going to bed they must listen to her or something. I crawled into my own bed and with a small goodnight to Hermione I feel asleep as soon as my head had hit the pillow.

Hey guys I know its been a while and that its not as long as my chapters usually are but I have this really big assessment that's due in a week and I haven't even done half of it so I'm really stressing out ill try to update soon and to make it longer then this. Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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