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Hey guys I think I'm just going to update once a week but sometimes like this I might update every few days if I'm bored like now so I hope you like this chapter

Time had passed, well a week, and it was time to go onto the Hogwarts Express.

''Come on Amy where leaving''

''Alright'' I somehow picked up my trunk and pushed it down stairs.

''dad help'' I struggled to talk, somehow while pushing my trunk down stairs it ended on top of me.

''Hurry up Amy we need to leave or we'll miss the train'' Dad pulled my trunk off me and pulled it to the fire place. Dad didn't want me to go on the train by my self so he decided to go with me.

''Alright, alright I mean it wasn't like I was stuck underneath a huge and heavy trunk'' I said sarcastically and walked over to the fire

''Can you take my bag please love you KINGS CROSS STATION'' I yelled and left before my dad could reply.  You would think that using the floo powder straight to kings cross station is a bad idea because of all the muggles, but it takes you straight into platform 9 3/4 so it was cool.

''Amy'' I jumped and turned around to see my dad with a angry scowl on

''Ha-ha thanks dad for bringing my trunk'' I gave my dad a innocent smile. he sighed

''Come on lets get on the train it's going to leave soon'' After he said that we turned and walked up to the train. As we walked onto the train there wasn't many kids on even though the train was going to leave in five minuits but I guess some families are like that.

''come on lets get one at the end of the train'' dad said and went into the last cubicle. After a few minuits dad went to  sleep and three people came in, a girl with bushy hair, one that had I lightning scare on his head so I assumed he was harry potter and this boy with orange hair comes in, he reminds me of a nugget so that will be his nickname.

''Hey um could we please sit here''

''Yeah sure'' I moved so was sitting across from my dad

''My name is Hermione Granger this is Ron Weasely and this is Harry Potter'' Hermione said pointing to the boys

''Hey I'm Amy'' I didn't say my last name 'cause if I did they probably wouldn't want to be my friends.

''Who is that'' Ron asked

''Professor R.J. Lupin''

''How do you know everything, how does she know everthing'' Ron asked he is really stupid

''Because she is smart enough to look at my dads trunk'' I replied before Harry or Hermione could

''Your dad'' Harry said

''Yeah'' after this said I turned and looked out the window and the three sat close together and started whispering about how Sirius Black is coming after him and someone else

''You know about Sirius Black going after us'' after I had said us I regretted it

''So your the other person Sirius black is going after why'' Harry demanded

'' umm I'm not really sure if I can trust you''

''Harry don't be so rude its alright we can be your friends'' Hermione said

''I'm not really sure you would want to be my friends if I told you'' even though I said this they were still looking at me as expecting me to tell them. I sighed and all I said was '' He is my real father'' I looked out of the window again and I could here them gasp. I was hoping they would let it go but they didn't

''Is that why he's going after you because he's your real dad and not professor Lupin'' Hermione asked

'' Yeah'' was all I said and was still looking out of the window. They continued whispering when the train lurched forward

''Are we there already'' I asked Hermione when everything started getting cold

''No we aren't there already'' She replied but I already knew the answer when it had started getting called. I stood up and moved next to the door and saw a creature I knew very well started coming towards our compartment .

''move to the other end'' I whispered to Harry but it was to late the dementore had opened the door and I feinted hearing a scream of two people. When I woke up I saw that the train was moving again and dad was giving Harry chocolate so I reached over grabbing some knowing it would help

''Thanks dad'' As I said this all of them looked at me

''what '' I asked and turned to dad knowing he was going to ask if I heard two people scream '' Yeah I heard the two people scream again'' I thought dad would reply but it as Harry

''You heard two people scream as well''

''Well yeah I always do when a dementor comes towards me'' I knew what the voices meant but I knew that harry wouldn't ( A.N pretend that Amy was with Harry when Lily Potter and James Potter died)

''Do you know what it means then''

I hesitated before replying and I could tell that Harry saw ''no''

''Well I'm going to talk to the driver,Amy you what to do'' dad had said that last part mainly to me and walked out. I looked at Harry

''Eat the chocolate and don't stand strust me it helps'' I told Harry

''How do you know so much on what to do after that''

'' Because I've been in front of a dementor heaps of times and I just know what to do now''

''Oh okay....hey I just realised something we haven't seen you before at school'' Harry said

''Oh yeah I'm a transfer student from Beauxbatons going into third year''

''Oh cool why you only starting now instead of first year'' Harry seemed really curious about me

''I got an a letter saying I got accepted for Beauxbatons and Hogwarts and my dad wanted me to go to Beauxbatons because it was an all school'' that wasn't the only reason, the other one is that Harry went here and it was safer to go to different schools.

''Oh that sucks''

''It was alright you just have to learn how to deal with the half and full veelas  they get annoying after a while'' We talked for about another hour then we finally got to Hogwarts.

''First years and transfer student, first year and transfer student'' This person that looked half giant was yelling and I said goodbye to Hermione, Harry and Ron and walked over to him.

''Hello you must be the transfer student''

''Yeah I am'' I had to look up 'cause he was huge

''Well come one you can share a boat with me'' The half giant said '' Alright FOUR TO A BOAT'' he yelled out to the first years. Once everyone was on a boat he yelled forward and the boats started moving. Once Hogwarts was in view all the first years gasped but I didn't, I mean I went to Beauxbatons so I already knew what a castle looked like but this one was different because it was much older then the one I am used to. We stopped at what looked like a boat shed and the half giant  took us to the castle to get sorted.

I hope you liked this chapter


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