Part 7

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Note: Sorry for the long wait. I had alot of stuff to deal with but I will be posting more frequently from now on :)

Me and Dan arrived at the dumping ground. I noticed it was incredibly quiet until the familiar scream of Electra broke the peaceful silence.


Well, I guess he has guts. I mean, me and Electra are friends but I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her.

"Wow. You have a nice house. Your parents must be rich." Dan muttered.

"Didn't you read the sign?" I asked. I giggled as he did a comical march up to the sign but the giggling subsided as I saw how serious he was after the realization kicked in. He walked back with his hands in his pockets, his face clearly showed compassion.

"I'm sorry. If I read the sign, I wouldn't have been so stupid. I'm so sorry." He stumbled.

"It's okay. You didn't know." There was a pause before I carried on. "Do you still wanna go in?"

"Yes, of course I do. Ignore me, sometimes I can be such a bean." I laughed at his statement before entering the house.

The first thing I noticed was that there was purple foam everywhere. I turned to look at Dan and by the looks of things, he was just as puzzled.

The mystery of the purple foamy hall soon unveiled as a terrified looking Tyler sprang out from the living room with Electra hot on his heals. Wow, now I can see why he needs to escape... Electra was covered head to toe in purple foam. That's happened before but why was the foam purple? Beside me, I saw Dan chuckling to himself.

"Hey Sky! Is it safe to come out now?" Rick asked as he came down the stairs. He looked at Dan and put an arm around my waist. "Dan right? Thanks for finding my girlfriends phone. It means alot to her."

"No problem." He said and smiled.

Rick introduced himself and they did that weird arm tug into a one arm hug thing that boys do.

After a while of playing video games in the living room, I suggested we did a series of challenges. The cinnamon challenge, the salt and ice challenge and the milk and coke challenge.

"This should be... interesting." Rick smirked and handed me the spoonful of ground cinnamon. Hesitantly, I debated whether I should do it but I mentally counted down from five and engulfed the nasty powder. The moment it entered my mouth, it dried up all of my saliva and clung to the back of my throat. I couldn't keep the cinnamon in my mouth any longer and coughed it out in a big puff of cinnamony smoke. This amused the boys greatly because I stupidly convinced them that I was the champion at the cinnamon challenge. Ohh that dented my ego.

After Rick and Dan both did the cinnamon challenge, I was in hysterics. But then the time came to do the salt and ice challenge. Being the girl I am, I didn't do it but the boys did and ohhh boy oh boy, it left a nasty burn on both of their arms.

After that, we decided to call it a day and stop the challenges before one of us ended up in A&E.

The three of us went back into the living room and started talking. As the conversation flowed, I got to know Dan abit better. He has two brothers- both older than him- and lives with his mum and his step dad.

In the middle of the conversation, Rick suddenly got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Toilet break." He said with a goofy smile.

As Rick got to the top of the stairs, Dan offered me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here okay?" Dan said, obviously feeling bad about earlier. I smiled and nodded before folding the piece of paper and putting it in my pocket.

"I didn't see you write that though." I smirked, wondering if that slip of paper was even meant to be for me.

"Yeeeah um... my friends said they were going to bring some girls to the cafe because I was the only one without a girlfriend and I was 'cramping their style.' Long story short, I was waiting there for an hour and they never showed up." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Haha so this wasn't meant to be for me." I stated.

"No but you can keep it anyway." Dan smiled.

Not so long after, Rick came down the stairs into the room with a scared look on his face... 

"What?" Me and dan both asked in unison. He lifted up the bottle of my favourite (and quite expensive) purple lavendar shampoo that was completely empty. My eye twitched as I inhaled.


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