Chapter 5

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"So, Captain fucking America hey, B?" Paige said slowly as she ran her index finger around the rim of her wine glass, raising one eyebrow at me. I shrugged, I'd told them every single detail of our meeting on Tuesday, and after the initial shock of it all had settled, the girls were now dumbfounded as to how I couldn't see that he was, 'apparently' interested.

"He's definitely in to you, I don't know how you can't see that" Cass added, dragging her fork around the bottom of her empty bowl. I leaned back in my chair and put my knees up, looking at each of my friends in turn as they all stared back at me. "You guys can't be serious. He's a celebrity for God's sake" I said frowning and playing with the ends of my hair.

"So what? What's not to be serious about B?" Cass asked as she stood and started stacking our plates. "Cass leave it please, I'll do it later" I said standing to grab the dishes from her. "Oh shutup, go and sit down and have another glass of wine" she said swatting me away like an errant child and pointing at my chair. I frowned at her, "Think about your new man" she added cheekily, winking at me as she walked back into the kitchen and pulling a face when I stuck my tongue out at her.

"What does it matter if he's a celebrity B? He's still a person - albeit a fucking gorgeous one. You said it yourself, he called you beautiful and he kept giving you those looks. And everyone here knows what those looks mean" Paige said, gesturing with her hands to Maddy and Cass. "Plus he booked another appointment to see you - even though you said to only make another one if he needed it. He obviously is keen to see you again. That's something whether you want to believe it or not".

I let out a deep sigh and looked over at Maddy sitting next to me, her head stuck in one of my old magazines. "I know it's in here somewhere, I'm sure of it" she said to no-one in particular, her mousy brown hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. I reached over to peak at the cover of the magazine, "Last year's Vogue?" I asked questioningly, frowning and looking over at Paige who also had her eyebrows raised. "This is it, this is him!" Maddy suddenly exclaimed, turning over the magazine so we all could see it.

It was a Gucci ad for cologne from last year, starring of course, Chris Evans himself and his gorgeous, bright blue eyes

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It was a Gucci ad for cologne from last year, starring of course, Chris Evans himself and his gorgeous, bright blue eyes. "Oh I think my ovaries are going to burst" Cass said leaning over my shoulder to look at the open pages. "Yeah ditto babe, B you lucky bitch!" Paige said grinning hugely and sipping from her now refilled wine glass. Maddy put the magazine in front of me and stood up to help Cass with drying the dishes. I smiled lovingly, I adored my girlfriends, they were there for me through everything and always had the best advice. Sometimes I felt like we were the real life Sex and the City girls.

If we were on Sex and the City, Paige would definitely be the Samantha of the group. Paige Vernon was 28, the oldest of the four of us and worked as an area manager for chain of beauty salons throughout LA. She had long jet black hair which had last week been chopped into a sleek, angular bob that made her cheek bones look sharp and defined. She had bright hazel eyes and a glare that could cut glass, with her fiery, no nonsense attitude, she was definitely the most 'experienced' of the group. I met her shortly after I graduated university when she asked me for a tampon in the bathroom of the gym. We'd been best friends ever since.

Next was Cassandra Morgan, a full time nurse and my closest friend. Wavy blonde hair and large, wide-set brown eyes, Cass was the heart of our little group. She had a tendency to over analyse things, though she had a great sense of humor and never failed to make us all laugh. She could always be counted on to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on, always gave the best advice. I met Cassandra while I was at uni - I'd found her in the college library during my first week of university stressing out over an anatomy test that she had the next day. Being in a similar field of study I offered to help her out and we'd been inseparable ever since.

Finally, there was Maddison West - a primary school teacher and at 26, the youngest of our group. She was incredibly sweet and constantly looking for the perfect romance - Maddy was the type of girl my family wished I was. She had long mousy brown hair and wide set innocent blue eyes, and she always had a refreshing and otherwise positive outlook on life. I met Maddy when we were both working part time as waitresses, at a small steak restaurant in downtown LA. I loved her like a little sister and the three of us older girls saw her as the baby of the group.

That left me by default, as the logical thinking, career focused one I thought with a grin. I looked around the room at my three friends as we sat around my dining table, Maddy and Cass having a heated debate about something to do with work, and Paige listening in on them while she painted her nails with my borrowed Revlon Cherries in the Snow ruby coloured nail polish. The love I had for the three of them was indescribable - we had been together for more than three years and they had been my substitute family ever since I moved away from home.

I wondered idly if it was because of my girlfriends that I didn't have a serious relationship with a man in my life. It wasn't as if we all didn't go on dates. Cass had just broken up with her boyfriend of a almost year after she found out he was cheating on her and Paige was single and had no real desire for anything serious or committed - though I knew that one day unexpectedly, she'd meet a guy that would completely change her life. Maddy was the only one of us that had a boyfriend, she had started dating an investment banker named Tom whose parents she would be meeting on Sunday. We had met him a few weeks in and had all agreed that he was gorgeous, sweet and completely perfect for Maddy.

My eyes landed on the open magazine in front of me, Chris' gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. I tapped my fingernails against my wine glass and found myself wondering, were the girls right? Was Chris really in to me? Unable to get the memory of Chris out of my mind, I took a deep breath and swallowed the last of my wine. I guessed that tomorrow, I would have my answer.


Another bottle of wine and one carton of Ben and Jerry's Triple Chocolate Ice cream later, the girls had decided it was time to leave. "Dinner was amazing as always B, thank you" Maddy said kissing my cheek and grabbing her bag. "My house next week yeah girls?" Paige added in, "Cocktails!" she exclaimed clapping her hands happily, her perfect white teeth flashing from between her painted, plum lips. "Good luck tomorrow babe, we wanna know every single detail. Make sure you look banging" Paige said grinning and leaning forward to kiss my cheek. "Bye ladies!" she said holding the door open for Maddy. Cass and I waved at them from the kitchen bench, the door closing with a thud.


I swung my legs into Cass' lap, the both of us - as well as Kovu, cuddled up on my couch. The TV was playing re-runs of Friends episodes as I stroked Kovu's soft fur. "You okay babe?" Cass asked me, leaning her head back on the couch and looking at me intently. "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about what I should wear tomorrow" I said with a small laugh. "If Chris really is in to me, I wanna look really good".

I let out a deep breath and leaned my head on Cass' shoulder. "Can you imagine what it would like to be dating a celebrity? I always think that it would be just like a movie, you know, a celebrity falling in love with a normal, average girl like you or me?". Cass turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing about you is average Bianca. You're smart, you're successful and you're absolutely gorgeous. Any guy - celebrity or not, would be more than lucky to have you" Cass said planting a gentle kiss on my head. I couldn't help but smile, "Back at you babe".


"Don't forget to message me tomorrow okay, I wanna know everything." Cass said to me as she leaned against the open door frame. "I will don't worry. Have fun at work tomorrow too" I said to her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Cass rolled her eyes, " Oh yeah 12 hour shift tomorrow, woo for me" she said in a dull tone, bending down to give Kovu - who was sitting at my feet, a final pat.


15 minutes later, I was lying in bed with Kovu curled up at my feet and a Sam Smith song playing softly from my radio speaker. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself typing Chris' name into Google on my phone and spent the next 10 minutes scrolling through pictures of him - each one more gorgeous than the last. My eyelids quickly became heavy and pretty soon I felt myself falling asleep with my phone in my hands. Eventually, my body slipped into a deep sleep, my mind dreaming of nothing else but Chris' gorgeous blue eyes and his devastatingly handsome smile.

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