Chapter 33

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Chris' POV:

Bianca stared at me, tilting her head and blinking rapidly as if she was trying to decide whether or not she was dreaming. "Chris?" she asked softly after a moment, her voice full of confusion, "What-- what are you doing here? I thought you were flying home tomorrow?". Her long brown hair was rumpled from sleep, tumbling down her shoulders in thick waves, and her green eyes were wide and sleepy. "We finished filming so I caught a red eye instead" I replied looking down at her, glancing at Kovu who was sitting at her feet. He whined softly and I bent down to pat him, ruffling his furry head and smiling when he tried to lick my face. "I just wanted to be home" I said as I stood back up, "I just wanted to see you".

Bianca's face softened and she smiled at me, and all of a sudden I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than right here with her at three in the morning. She stepped back and gestured for me to come in, and I noticed for the first time that she was wearing only her underwear and a small t-shirt - a t-shirt, with the Captain America symbol on the front of it. Suddenly I couldn't help my smile, she had no idea how adorable she looked right now. I stepped forward and bent to kiss her, her mouth soft and familiar and everything I'd been missing for the past three days. "I missed you" I whispered when I finally pulled away, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and stepping back so that she could close the door. "I missed you too handsome" she replied, smiling adorably up at me, "I can't believe you're actually here - not that I'm complaining in the slightest". She let out a small yawn and I felt a twinge of guilt, suddenly feeling slightly bad for disrupting her sleep.

"I'm sorry for waking you" I said as I followed her down the hallway, unable to stop my eyes from travelling to her curvy ass which looked round and perfect in a low cut pair of blue, lacy boy shorts. She turned to me and put her hand on her hip, sighing over dramatically and rolling her eyes. " Oh I guess I can forgive you just this once" she said flicking her hair over her shoulder and sticking her hip out, "But only cos' I think you're cute" she quipped with a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but laugh. "Speaking of" I said raising one eyebrow and leaning back against the kitchen bench behind me, "That top looks pretty damn cute on you".

Bianca looked down at her shirt and I watched as her face split into an adorable grin. I knew immediately that she'd forgotten that she was wearing it. She laughed out loud and looked back up at me, her toned midriff peeking out from underneath the hem of the shirt. "The girls bought it for me" she said with a giggle, "They bought me this and another tank top that says 'Team Cap'". I rubbed my chin and nodded appreciatively, "I definitively approve" I remarked, looking her up and down, "Remind me to thank them". I winked at her and Bianca laughed, shaking her head as she moved into the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?" she asked, turning her back to me and standing on her tip toes to get a glass out of the cupboard above the stove. "No thanks babe" I answered before sucking my breath in sharply. The sight of her perfect, round ass almost instantly made my insides stir, and I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to have my hands all over her. She filled up her glass with water from the fridge and I couldn't help but notice her chest bouncing ever so slightly underneath her shirt as she walked back over to me. I smiled to myself realising that she wasn't wearing a bra. My body stirred again and my jeans began to tighten. This girl, would be the death of me.

"So, do you always answer the door in your underwear?" I asked as she moved over to my side of the bench, running her fingers through her messy hair and looking sexier than ever. She tilted her head adorably and pretended to think about it for a moment, tapping her index finger against her lip. "Well, not usually. But, I do make exceptions for my favourite Captain". I grinned like a school boy, watching her step forward to stand only inches in front of me, her lips parting in a breath-taking smile. I exhaled deeply and paused for a moment, taking a second to admire the gorgeous creature that was Bianca standing in front of me. I breathed in the sweet, vanillary scent that was becoming so familiar to me and all of a sudden all I wanted to do was lay her down and kiss every single inch of her body.

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