#12 Close Escape Much?

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"Okay, what did you seriously expect?" Ellie snaps, annoyed by my constant sulking, "He would swoop down, lift you up and kiss you passionately in front of the whole school?"

"No, of course I didn't," I whisper back, trying not to attract Mrs Lance's attention. Sitting on the first bench doesn't help. "But I expected him to pass me a cheesy smile, at least? Or apologize for what he did? He just walked past me like he never knew me!"

"Look, just because he wished you, in a way which I really must say I admire, it doesn't mean he is interested in talking to you. Now please shut up and leave me in peace with my Chemistry assignment."

"Sure, if that's more important than your best friend's life issues." I groan.

"Sarah Allen, I love you." She says, gritting her teeth,"But sometimes you make me want to smack you with Rapunzel's frying pan!"

We didn't realise how audible we were until Mrs Lance's manly voice suddenly barks out.

"Ellie Wakesfield! Sarah Allen! I won't stand any irrelevant conversation in my class. Detention after break!"

"Sorry, ma'am." I mutter and although I'm not looking at her, I can feel Ellie murderously glaring at me out of the corner of her eyes. She hates it when I ruin her clean record. Which I do way too often.


The detention room is almost empty, except for a half-dozing teacher and Caroline in the front, who slightly waves at Ellie as we enter. I roll my eyes. Ellie is friends with freaking everyone! I never really got along with the popular ones. I wonder what landed her in detention, though.

A few desks behind her, I see Ken, my science partner who'd asked me out. We hadn't really talked since. I hope he didn't mind or something. However, he doesn't notice us because, being the nerd that he is, he's frantically scribbling down homework, probably for the next period.

Ellie and I sit toward the back.

"So as I was saying," I continue, "He didn't even – "

"Sarah," she sounds like she means it, "Shut up."

"He could've said 'hi' right? I mean, anyone with minimal manners would have confronted me. Or – ?"

"Please.Shut. Up." She grits her teeth.

"But no, he walked past like I didn't even exi – Oww!" I grimace as she pinches my side. But I freeze when I see Dave Rodriguez casually stroll past my seat and flop down on towards the front.

"THANK YOU," I mouth to her and she nods in the 'that's-what-best-friends-are-for' way.

Dave doesn't really pay much attention to the surroundings, but once he notices Caroline, I see his face immediately bright up.

He must really like me. Cough, the virtual-me, cough.

"Caroline," He says, smiling, "Hi."

Caroline looks up and smiles too, "Hi, Dave."

By this time, my heart is pounding with fear.

"That," Ellie says, pointing at Dave and Caroline, "is not good, right?"

"You think." I eye them nervously.

"What're you doing here?" Caroline asks Dave.

"Oh, you know, got into a small fight during recess. What about you?"

"The usual," she says, flicking back her hair in an annoying manner, "Didn't give up homework."

There's a few minutes of silence as I silently pray for them not to talk further.

"Hey Carol," Dave says, "Last night – "

I deliberately start coughing with great force, drowning Dave's words. Caroline eyes me with an annoyed look and Dave turns to me, an amused smile on his lips.

"Sarah," he says, "Didn't expect to see you in detention."

"Yeah, I bet you didn't," I say curtly, although glad he finally noticed me.

"Listen, I'm sorry for yesterday. Forgive me?"

I'm a little taken aback. Does he honestly mean it? Or is he just trying to impress Caroline? The look on his face, however, looks genuinely sorry.

"Uh, that's alright," I say with a light smile, "I guess getting thrown up on wasn't really pleasurable either."

His face slightly lights up.

After a while, he turns back to Caroline and starts conversation again. I eye them fearfully for some time. They just small talk, but I feel they're getting close to the texts and all.

I decide to call up Jake. "Hey," I speak into my phone, "Can you press the fire alarm please?"

"Okay, I'm hanging up."

"Jake, please! It's urgent."

"Why don't you do it? I'll get in trouble!"

"You always get in trouble! You've got nothing to lose."




"Alright, then. I'll just tell your Mom where you really were when you said you were going to the library."

"Oh, come on!"


"Fine! Fine, I'll do it."


I hear him sigh as I hang up. I save the day with a few more fake coughs until I hear the fire alarm ring around the school. The dozing teacher wakes up with a jolt and we rush out of the room.


Getting on with this fake thing with Dave is becoming a real pain in the ass now. I try to tell myself it's worth it, but is it really? He's just a guy.

But I certainly can't look back now. Dave likes me (hopefully).

Well, I really like him. He's more than just a popular jock. He has a nice heart. and I can talk to him. I really do like him.

We're at least in talking terms now. He'd even wished me Valentine's. That's real progress considering he didn't even know my name a few weeks back. So who knows what tomorrow will bring?

**Another filler, sorry XD

Btw, it would be really awesome if you check out my new poetry book! Thanks a lot!!**

Btw, it would be really awesome if you check out my new poetry book! Thanks a lot!!**

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