#14 Do You Believe In Magic?

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I smile at my phone, lying on the moist grass of my backyard under the night sky.

Dave: My turn first or yours?

Me: You decide.

Dave: Yours. Ask away.

Me: Alright! First question. Favourite colour?

Dave: Uh... I don't know, I've never really thought about colours.

Me: Come on, everyone has a favourite colour.

Dave: um, I'll say green.

Me: Favourite band?

Dave: Zeppelin all the way!

Me: Cool choice!! So you're into mullet?

Dave: Hell yes. Aren't you?

Me: It's not my turn to answer questions.

Dave: Ugh, alright, go on.

Me: Ok...Virgin?

Dave: Obviously not.

Me: You're serious? But you're just seventeen!!

Dave: Uh...exactly? Wait, you aren't?

Me: Not my turn, Rodriguez. Ok, next question. First crush?

Dave: ....

Me: Oh come on, spit it out.

Dave: Jessica Rabbit.


Dave: Come on, she was smoking hot.

Me: A goddamn cartoon?!

Dave: You can't tell that to anyone.

Me: Oh no, wouldn't want to ruin your high-maintenance bad boy image, would we?

Dave: I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.

Me: And now you're quoting her!!!

Dave: Ok, enough, next question.

Me: Let's see. Did you ever pee in a pool?

Dave: Yes.

Me: Eww!!

Dave: Everyone does that. Others are liars.

Me: Ok....What do you want to be?

Dave: Like, as in a job?

Me: Yeah.

Dave: Um...I guess I'll follow my Dad. He's a broker. Wow, I just realised the person who invests all your money is called a broker. How messed up is the world?

Me: Very indeed. So you want to be dealer?

Dave: I don't know. I guess I'll get to be rich.

Me: How materialistic of you.

Dave: Save the 'follow your heart' for movies and books. We're talking life here.

Me: Well, if life was a movie, what would you want to be?

Dave: I'd want to be a footballer.

Me: Wow. Cool.

Dave: What about you? A writer, I guess?

Me: Yeah, maybe. Moving on, what's your favourite film?

Dave: Predator.

Me: What would be the one thing you would want to do before dying?

Dave: I'd want to go skydiving sometime.

Me: Worst fear?

Dave: Elevators and closed spaces.

Me: Do you believe in magic?

Dave: I guess not. Do you?

Me: I'd say I do.

Dave: I get you're a Potterhead, but really?

Me: Why not? There are many simple miracles in nature. You might be looking at one, yet you don't know it.

Dave: Like?

I look up at the sky and think for some time.

Me: Take the twinkling stars for instance. Considering the speed of light and the distance of the star, maybe what you see is actually what the star was years, or even light-years ago. It might have become a red giant or even died by now. The star might not even exist right now. But you still see it. A glimpse right through time, you see.

Dave: Wow. Sounds pretty magical to me.

Me: Yeah.

Dave: You know, a smart woman is always ten times more attractive.

Me: I'm too sleepy for your flirting. I'm going to bed.

Dave: Alright, I'll try again tomorrow. 'Night ; )

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