Chapter 3: Healing

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Chapter 3: Healing

My eyes slowly started to close and once they shut I knew they weren’t going to open. I could feel my brain slowly closing down, my vision was tunneling. My mind started to play every memory it had to distract me from the pain I was in. I didn’t want to see the memories if I start watching my memories I’ll forget to fight. I pushed the memories back and focused on breathing. I had my breathing down in a couple of seconds now I need to open my eyes. I was able to open my eyes, but it was a big mistake. It drained my body of the little energy it had, and slowly my eyes began to close. My body was accepting defeat, but my mind wasn’t. A wave of pain hit me causing me to breathe in sharply when I exhaled blood came up out of my mouth. As my vision darkens I see something come into my view. Suddenly blurry objects hit the floor around it, and I hear a muffled noise. The thing I originally saw becomes two things as move towards me at an unnatural speed. The closer they came the less they were blurry blobs. They came into focus fast. They were shoes. I’d seen the shoes earlier today. I was looking at a dirty pair of black converses. Suddenly I felt my head move and his face came into focus. His ocean blue eyes were pools of frustration and concern. He looked at me and I saw his mouth move but that was it. There were no words, just movement. He was trying to help me but he couldn’t he showed up too late. My eyes closed and I felt darkness around me.

I was back pressed against the wall but instead of Uriel it was me attacking me. Not human form me, but demon form me. She just kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing me. All the while making sure I was forced to look into her eyes. She stabbed me and looked at me bringing us so close are noses were touching. I felt her cold hate filled breath and she spoke “That apple was a little bitter sweet don’t you think Eve?” she said while a sadistic smile creped onto her face. She then shoved a ruby red apple in my mouth, gagging me with it. She laughed and kept stabbing me as I struggled to scream. I started to feel blood drip from my mouth like a steady stream. I was finally able to pull me eyes away from hers, and realized we weren’t in the school anymore. We were in the Garden of Eden. I pushed up against the harsh bark of a tree. My eyes became rooted to my demon eyes again bringing me back to the torture. I started to feel pressure around my waist and then up my shoulders. Soon the pressure was pinning my neck to the tree and slowly tighten its self. It was a snake it had to be.

I woke up gasping for air propelling myself into a sitting position. A wave of pain shot through me, making me take deep breaths in and swallow hard. I was no longer in the hallway I was in a bed under blankets. My eyes were trying to focus and take everything in. My eyes finally focused in on something. The boy from art class was sitting on the bed looking at me with his big blue eyes full of concern.

“You’re awake;” he said his voice sounded almost weak when he talked “I didn’t know if you were going to make it. I need to get you new gauzes, I’ll be right back.” He said as he hopped off the bed and walked towards the door. “I just realized I never told you my name, it’s Joe.” He said as he left the room.

I sat there looking around at the room. It was filled with paintings of all shapes, styles, and themes. They were all beautiful, all of them. I didn’t get to fully appreciate them because Joe reappeared in the doorway. He walked over to me and climbed onto the bed.

“You should lie down,” he said. I laid down on my back and looked up at him. “I’m going to pull your shirt up a little so I can reapply the gauzes,” his voice was quiet and he looked away from me. I looked down at my top and noticed that I was just wearing my under shirt. He slowly peeled my shirt up just so my stomach was showing and began to change the dressing on my stomach. I kept looking at his eyes they were focused and working hard. He soon pulled my shirt down and looked at me. “You’re all patched up!” He said his eyes brightening and the smile he gave me on the first day we met coming onto his face. I smiled back and pushed my way back into sitting position. “I’ll be back, I’m covered in your blood and I was waiting to make sure you were okay so I didn’t get to shower.” He said his grin still on his face. He slid off the bed and walked towards a closed door and went into the room. I sat there looking about the room with questions surging through my brain. The questions kept hitting the sides of my brain creating a terrible headache. I tried to stop thinking about the questions and just looked at the paintings. The brush strokes were all similar so it had to be the same artist. I kept looking at them trying to ignore the pain and focus on all the details of the art.

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