Chapter 4: Meeting

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Chapter 4: Meeting

I woke up on the bed lying next to him, he was asleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping I thought as I remembered last night. We kissed and fell asleep together in the bed. It was wonderful. I felt his hand move and wrapped around my waist delicately. I felt his shaggy hair brush against the back of my neck, so I turned to face his face. Are noses bumped each other as I turned and his eyes lit up with his crooked smile following after it. His eyes became terrified and began talking very fast.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? This doesn’t make sense! This is my fault, I’m so sorry!” Jophiel said his voice began to turn panicky. He moved his hand towards my face then quickly moved them to his mouth instead.

“Wait! What’s going on? What’s your fault? What are you talking about?” I said my voice began to panic too.

“Your mouth! God, I should have known this was going to happen!” He said while covering his face with his hands and began to rub his face in frustration. I pulled myself out of the bed and ran to the dresser, and looked in the mirror horrified. My lips and a little bit of the skin around it was blistering and a red color. Pieces of black flesh were around my lips. It had a pinkish and a purple hue. It looked almost like a chemical burn.

“What the heck happened?” I screamed as pieces of my lips crumbled to the floor.

“It was me. I’m an Archangel you’re a demon, we can’t have physical contact like that. Does it hurt?”

“No, but how is it going to be healed?”

“I don’t know, you go take a shower I’ll think about how we can fix it.” Joe remarked. I nodded and headed into the bathroom while Joe went to the kitchen. I took a shower and did my hair flaxen style. I came out and got clothes that Joe laid out for me. I put them on and headed over to the mirror. My lips were still messed up but they weren’t as bad as they were before. I left the room and found him in the kitchen looking through a cabinet.

“I’m going to summon the other Archangels they need to know about you, and they might know how to fix this.” He said as he shut the cabinet and pulled out a phone and started dialing. He talked into the phone for a while and then looked up at me. “Go into the bedroom; don’t open the door until I tell you. There coming, they can’t see you.” I ran into the bedroom and locked the door. Pressing my back to the door and then sliding down and resting on the floor.

I soon heard the front door open and swing shut and voices fill the room. I rested my ear on the door and listened to the voices.

“Iophiel, why have you summoned us?” Mika’il’s voice questioned.

“I found two new soul mates and there very close by,” Kemuel said interrupting the dramatic atmosphere.

“This is not the time Kemuel, something extremely urgent happened.” Mika’il said disrupting Kemuel’s talking.

“This is really important, Mika’il.” Kemuel remarked.

“I find the beauty in everyone, and there is someone that I think needs a second chance. Their heart is completely pure. It’s just been covered by the devil’s temptation and foolishness.” Jophiel said his tone worried.


“Jophiel,” Labbiel said in a warning tone.

“Guys, it’s really important!” Kemuel yelled.   

“What could be more important than giving someone the second chance they need?” Mika’il bellowed.

“It’s Jophiel’s soul mate!” Kemuel screamed. The room went silent. “She here, I can feel it. She’s in the house.” He said his voice smaller now. Everyone looked at Jophiel.

“You have exposed us to a mortal!” Mika’il barks.

“No, she already knew. Why don’t you come out now?” He said. I started to open the door when I heard Uriel.

“Wait, if she knew that has to mean she’s a, but none have been put in this area. The only person in the area that knows about us is,” He said but was cut off by me walking into the room. “The demon.” His eyes narrowed.

I finally could tell who everyone was now seeing the faces and the voices. Mika’il was that boy in my PE class that wasn’t actually running, but was still faster then everyone. Kemuel was that boy that Cassie and I heard during lunch, and Labbiel was the boy named Raphael in my herbs class. Suryan was Robbie from my criminal justice class, and Serafili was Gabby.

“You know the rules Jophiel, Archangels can’t be with demons or humans.” Mika’il said.

“Is there any way we can do something, I can tell she’s pure I can tell.” Jophiel said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side.

“She’s a demon! Why can’t anyone remember that?” Uriel screamed.

“But you’re the one who put her there. Don’t forget that Uriel.” Mika’il said in a monotone voice. Uriel looked at Mika’il with pure hatred and got up and left.

“What do you mean he put me there?” I said talking to Mika’il.

“Why don’t you ask him while we talk about how we can help are fellow Archangel?”

I walked out of the room and walked to the back door were Uriel was sitting on the concrete step. I opened the screen door and he looked back to see me he had tears streaming down his face. I walked down and sat down next to him. I was silent for a long time just letting him cry. He looked over to me his face wasn’t angry like I had always seen it was drops of chocolate. He opened his mouth to speak but it came out all gargled. I put my hand over his and squeezed it softly. He started to try to talk to me in between sobs and his breath choking out.      

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do it,” he paused taking in a breath and noticed the confusion on my face. “A very long time ago I was put on my first Archangel mission. I was working by myself. I had to protect a young girl from the devil, I fell asleep and he got part of her soul. I woke up and I knew that she was still pure so I protected her like I never had before. She abandoned her evil side for so long, she was going to be given the other part of her soul again. We even had a kid together. I went to tell the Lord that my mission was almost complete when I heard her scream. She called out to me she yelled Adam! Don’t let him take me! She then collapsed on the ground. Once I saw her on the ground I knew that her soul had been taken. I failed my mission and let her down. You know that story. I was supposed to protect you, Eve. I let you become what you are now. I was sworn to protect you, Eve. I wasn’t able to save you,” he said his voice choking through the last couple words. “It is my biggest regret Eve. Not saving you.” He said as his voice cracked.               

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