Chapter 24

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Harry was already in a foul mood when he trudged his way down several flights of stairs towards the dank dark dungeons where his long detention with a certain teacher was sure to make Harry's mood plummet even further.
"Ahhh, Potter you join us at last" Snape drawled as Harry open the door to his potions class. Harry noticed the use of the word us instead of I. Harry glanced around the room and noticed the only person he hated more than Snape at the moment,
"You and Mr Malfoy will be scrubbing these desks until they all shine but you will not be using magic" Snape instructed with his calm voice which in Harry's mind was one hundred times scarier than if Shape was yelling profanities at him,
"I will return to inspect your work every hour on the hour until I'm satisfied" Snape left with a swift flick of his cloak. And less than a second after the door drifted closed, two cloths appeared with two hot soapy buckets in front if each boy.

Draco kept away from Harry and Harry kept away from Draco for several hours scrubbing until their knuckles we're white. Harry let out a few grunts as he repeatedly tried to remove the seemingly permanent stain on Nevilles usual table. He stopped however when a hand was placed on his shoulder and gently stood him up from his bent posistiin over the table
"Here Harry" Draco said as he waved his wand and the stain disappeared
"Were forbidden from using magic" Harry said impassively without looking at Malfoy, Without thanking Malfoy in any way.
"Harry stop being stubborn, let me help you" Harry just walked past Malfoy to the next unwashed table and started scrubbing without a word "Harry please just talk to me!" Again Harry ignored Malfoys existence
"Please Har-. Is this about what I said today? Harry I didn't mean, I panicked, I don't-"
"Just get on with it Malfoy" Harry said in just as much lack of emotion as before,
"Harry what happened today it-I-Ple-"
"Oh for Gods sake Malfoy would you give it a rest" Harry said now sounding slightly annoyed but still keeping his volume down
"No! No I won't. Harry you have to understand that I didn't mean any of it,"
"Didn't mean any of it?" Harry asked finally losing it "Malfoy you can't just yell at someone, throw them painfully across the room and tell them to never weak to you again when they were trying to help you then take it all back!" Harry's eyes began to water as he spoke now
"But I need to take it back, I haven't had a good nights sleep before you...and besides we were supposed to spend one more night..."
"Guess you better use your potion then!" Harry said with a finality that told Draco not to press the issue.

For the first time in the four hours they'd been there that night Draco plunged his hand into the soapy water, withdrew a cloth and began to scrub. Harry scrubbed extra hard for a while with hard fast angry movements but after about half an hour of the vicious motion Harry's arm became weak, his mind cleared if anger and his body was flooded instead with sadness. Harry's shoulders slumped and his eyes weeped but not where Malfoy could see, that was the one thing that Harry was determined about Malfoy will not see me cry Harry thought ademently to himself.

Snake entered after the seventh hour and at last pronounced them done. He announced that the pair of them were to meet him at the same time the following evening (which just so happened to be Harry's quidditch practice time) despite any other activities. Harry placed his bucket carefully at Snapes feet and walked quickly out of the room turning to run down the half and go the stairs. Harry could hear Malfoy calling after him but that did not matter right now for at this very moment Harry loathed Draco Malfoy and he didn't see how they could ever be friendly towards each other again.

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