Chapter 27

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"Ahh! This means-" Harry couldn't keep talking it hurt too much. The pain was almost the same level as it had been that night at the ministry when Voldemort tried to possess or inhabit Harry as it were. Harry knew exactly what this meant. Draco's pain and his mark meant Voldemort was summoning him and Harry knew that his own pain was a combination of the anger Voldemort is currently feeling and the burning of having him close. Too close for Harry's liking.
"Draco. He's trying to summon you. And he's nearby. I don't know how or where but he's close..AHHH!" Harry howled in pain. Then it ceased. As suddenly as though someone flipped a light switch the pain had vanished and it appeared Dracos had too.
"Harry? Harry are you alright?" Draco asked leaning over Harry who was still sprawled on the floor clutching hi forehead despite the need for doing so having gone away.
"Umm yeah I think so. But I also think Voldemorts mad...really you. Draco why would he have any reason to be mad at you?"
"Harry I have to tell you something..."

* * *

Harry sighed. He knew Voldemort would try and attack the school but he never imagined he'd attack it from the inside. Harry felt too many emotions to pinpoint any attachments n particular but right now he didn't care about himself, Draco was as distraught as that night in the bathroom. He was devastated and so angry at himself and at his father and at Dumbledore for not having a better more certain way of removing the mark but both of them knew that wasn't Dubledores fault.
"Shh, it's alright we'll work it out" Harry soothed stroking Dracos hair and occasionally placing a soft kiss on Dracos forehead. Both boys decided not to go to any classes for the rest of the day and instead thought it a good idea to lay in eachothers arms and talk. Just talk.

Harry told Draco about his 'family' at Privet Drive and His real family (Sirius, Remus, The Weasly's and Hermione) and Draco told Harry about his mother and how she loved Lucious once but Draco could see she just wanted outand how his father disciplined him which usually involved various spells or methods of physical harm.
Both boys had their turn to cry ans both had their turn to comfort. Eventually Harry dozed off in Dracos arms and Draco watched as Harry slept peacefully. Draco finally managed to pull his eyes off Harry and go to the window for air, yes despite being uderground they had windows that opened, they were on the cliff face but you cant see them from the outsides thanks to many charms and hogwarts powers. A few short moments later a Black owl flew in and dropped a letter on Dracos head then sat ont he bed post patiently and obediantly. Draco picked up the letter and read

My Draco

Your Father is out but I kept the letter here for when he returns. Hes on official business so forwarding the owl would be inapropriate. He will not return for a week or more honey. How have you been? How is school going? Ooh hows that Pansy girl?
hope to hear from you soon xx


Draco took out a pen and paper and quickly began working only a reply but kept pausing thI nking of just what to say. He knew official business meant his father was doing death eater stuff and he knew when his mum said a week or more she probably meant closer to a month.


Hey, yeah everything heres pretty good but... mum I cant do what is required of me but I cant fight it either. Its hard and I havent started my 'homework' yet as I said I just cant.
I have to tell you a secret mother, Im gay. I think I have a boyfriend but neither of us really know what we are. Mum please dont disown me or anything I love yoh and to lose you would kill me but to lose him would kill me also. Mum please understand...please.

Your Son,

Writing the letter was easy but Draco's hands constantly fumbled with the envelope as he tried to put the letter inside. He had to close his eyes and take deep breaths counting to ten before he could get the letter in the envelope, seal it and tie it to the owls black leg. The owl took off taking Dracos stomach with it. His put his head in his hands and began crying just from the relief if finally veing open but the nerves of her reading it and the worry of his father intercepting the letter or anyone else for that matter.
"Draco Babe? Is everything alright?" Harry asked plwcu g both hands on his shoulders and giving Draco a light massage
"I told her."
"Sorry I dont understand...?"
"I just owled my Mother telling her about us...about me" Harry stopped rubbing Dracos shoulders at once and turned him around to wrap him in a warm embrace. Draco cried into Harrys shoulder.
"What did, what did you tell her?" Harry asked
"I said that I'm gay, I told her I think I have a boyfriend but that we havent determinded what we actually are........Harry what if she doesnt accept me. I told her I cant live without her approval and love but i told her that losing you would literally kill me..."
"Do you actually mean that?" Harry asked looking Draco in the eyes
"I thought I've already proved that without you I break. By the way that sleeping potion sucks. I slept but not well"
"Draco...will you be my boyfriend?" I asked quietly but still audiable
"Yes! Of Course! But are you sure thats what you want?"
"I wouldnt ask if I wasnt sure. I think I love you Draco"
"I think I love you back Harry James Potter"
Draco leaned in and kissed Harry slowly and meaningfully. This kiss was like the wax seal on a letter closing the deal. Finalising the descision. Making the two people a single couple.
"No matter what happens Draco, we will get through it"
"God youre so cheesy Potter"
"And youre so screwed up Malfoy"
"Yes I am, but guess what?"
"Im your hot mess now"
"And you said I was cheesy?"
"You are"
"Whatever Malfoy"

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