Chapter 56

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Draco heard heard Harry's sobs eventually give way to gentle sleeping sounds. He hated hurting Harry, he hated not being able to help, he hated himself. Draco sighed and looked around the room. The shack which hed turned into a tiny hide out slash home was rickety at best. There was a constant draft leaking between the wooden planks that made up both the interior and exterior wall. The small kitchen was just a hip height shelf against the wall, an old cupboard and a bucket for a sink. and the only other thing in that room was an old table and chair. Draco took his seat at the table again and looked over the rest of his plan scattered in notes. Harry wasnt going to like it at all 'but' Draco thought 'he already doesnt like half the stuff I've done, what's one more'.

Draco tidied his notes into a corner and grabbed his last piece of blank paper


I need you to read through this.
You're not going to like it but you'll have to accept it.
Once you've read it take them to the Order of the Pheonix and then destroy them.
This is my plan but for it to work this will be the last you will hear from me.

If my plan doesnt work... I just want you to know that I heard what you said earlier and I do love you Harry and I feel terrible for everything. So if these are my last words to you; I'm sorry.

Love Draco.

Draco put his quill away and set the note atop the papers and silently left with just one glance towards the sleeping boy.

Harry awoke many hours later and noticed the strange lack of sound around him. He slowly sat up and opened his eyes. The blur of the room was unfamiliar so he hurriedly shoved his glasses onto his face making his nose ache even more. He gazed around and took in the splintered floorboards, the weathered walls, the half rotten armchair at the end of his bed. He remembered suddenly the events of the last two days. The nightmare, the rush, the crash, Draco, the headache. He relaxed a little remembering how Draco was the one who brought him here and a little more when he noticed his broom, wand and the blade in the corner of the room. he gathered his things and staggered through the door less doorway to the other small room. Everything looked old, messy and dirty... everything except the pristine pile of papers in the corner of the table. He read and reread the note on top. His eyes gave way to a few relieved and sad and happy tears but then his head and heart sunk "If these are my last words" he read. He reread and reread that line trying to figure out what was going on until he glanced at the stack of papers.

He quickly pocketed the note and started attacking the pages with his eyes and concentration.

Phase 1

Make sure Harry doesnt give in to V's planted dreams.

Part 1: Ask Mum to go to Pansys for a week or two.

Part 2: Tell Pansy what's happening so she can cover for me

Part 3: Stakeout. Hide behind a bright lumos to appear to be a star if Harry should see me. If Harry leaves trail him from afar and intercept if necessary.

Attached was a very detailed sketch of Grimauld place and a map of the nearby areas as well a three different routes Harry could've taken to get to the manor from Grimauld. Harry pushed that section aside.

Phase 2

Get communications to the Order of the Pheonix.

-Bombard one of the order members as they leave. Problems: Could be immediately attacked especially by Black. Could scare them or others off. They could separate before I get to them. Could be recognized. Could be booby traps.
-Get Harry alone. Problems: Hes never alone. Hes not allowed outside especially alone. Weasley or anyone else will hex me.
-Get Granger alone, maybe use Pansy to do it. Problems: Shes quick, she could attack before I can explain.

Part 1: find a way to talk to someone who is in or has knowledge of the order.

Part 2: Give them this plan

Part 3: Pledge allegiance, even if it has to be by unbreakable vow

Phase 3

Return to V. Claim to have knowledge of Harry's whereabouts and send him in the opposite direction.

Part 1: Be convincing

Part 2: Pass a veritiserum by replacing tbe last batch with enchanted water (Snape to help).

Part 3: Pass on fake intelligence.

Part 4: Stay in discreet contact with the three and make sure I can distract V.

Phase 4

Bring Down Voldemort.

Part 1: Reveal true allegiance when Harry Potter has completed his mission and help to bring down V.

There was much more detail in every step of every phase and each section had lists of pros and cons, maps of areas and buildings, scotches of scenarios and landmark. Everythig was in such great detail Harry had no doubt Draco had been planning this since before he got his memories back.

Harry Tensed. The plan was no less than brilliant but it was incredibly dangerous and incredibly stupid. Draco would be placing his life on the line through every sub section of every step of this plan. Nothing was without risk. Harry had a fleeting g smugness as he suddenly thought 'How very Gryffindor of you, Malfoy" but began panicking again as he realised he needed to hurry up and bring this information to the order. He gathered everything, bound it with a vine and took off towards home, again under the cover of night.

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