3 - A Bit Of Baking

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"Baking is love made visible."


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Ana's POV

"Oh gosh, I hate you Jacob Jordans!" I yelled in frustration to my best friend that I've known since we were born, trying to wiped the flour off my face.

Keyword: trying.

I looked at the guy who's sitting in the kitchen's counter, busy laughing obnoxiously, still having the half full bag of flour on his hand.

Today is the 20th anniversary of Jacob's parents, Laura and Jack. And in honor for Laura and Jack, who also happened to be my parents's college best friends, my mom decided why not throw a surprise party for them? 

And for some reason, my mom assigned me and Jacob in 'baking the cake' duty when for she clearly knows that we don't know how to cook or bake and that we could most likely destroy the whole kitchen of my house.

Luckily, we actually gotten a cake mix properly to the oven and hopefully that it would edible - but not before the kitchen looked liked it hit a freaking tornado.

I'm not even joking.

So as we waited, I gotten the idea that we should clean before the surprise party starts on other house (Jacob's house next door) but Jacob seems to have another idea.

And that was to threw flour at me and start a left-of-the-ingredients fight.

When did I ever signed up to have a crazy, annoying best friend?

I looked ridiculously like a messed up unbaked cake right now.

"No you don't Ana Johnson." He said, plastering a smirk on his face.

"Yes I do!" I retorted back, as I narrowed my eyes and glared at him.

"No you don't." He argued.







"Ughh, could you just stop arguing with me?" I complained, groaning at his stubbornness.

"Not until you say you love me." He teased, a playful smile plastered on his face.

I froze, my breath hitched and my eyes widened. My heart started beating frantically as I repeated what he just said in mind over and over again.

"Not until you say you love me."

A small pain stung my heart when I almost mistook it with a different meaning.

You know those books where the best friends confessed their feelings for each other, fall in love, get married, have babies and then happily ever after? And you would think that falling for the best friend is absurd?

In my case, I did.

We are, as our mothers said to us, bound to be best friends the moment we were born - as we both have born at the same day.

That was 17 years ago.

When puberty and hormones struck us we both started hanging out with different groups but would still be close as ever.

We're best friends but the hormones were there and that feeling of attraction to him grew and grew as I would kept denying it.

Well, not until the day we turned 13 where I realized that I have feelings for him.

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