Dancing my way to his heart

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hey this is my first story EVER!!! so dont laugh i am trying my best!! but if you do happen to like it then please fan, vote, and comment!!!

 (((((  PICTURE OF SETH!!! ))))))  ------------>>>>>>>

 Ok myah you can do this. Beginning position, step ball change, Triple chaine turn and walk. oh crap that as the wrong foot. As i fall off stage everything seems to be going in slow motion. I see my mothers face Twist in fear and can almost hear her heart beating faster.

I start to shake uncontrollably as i lay unconscious on the ground.....

I flutter my eyes open aand realize it was just a dream , and the source of the shaking is my adorable yet annoying little brother Trent.

"Myah, Myah!!! Wake up!!! Your going to be late for school!!!!"

He then giddily ran out of the room.I just didn't understand how he could be so happy and outgoing all the time!!! And I'm not exaggerating!!! He is literally like that 24/7!!!! He is probably the happiest little 7 year old you would ever meet!!!

"Myah Elizabeth Wilson!!! you get your butt out of bed right now!!!!"

An hour later i walk downstairs,makeup on, hair straightened, and ready to go.

Trent is sitting at the table eating cocoa puffs, not just cocoa puffs, but my cocoa puffs!! i have told him many times that he can eat his own cereal!!! i am just about to say something to him when my mom interrupts,

" Myah, hunny. I need you to drive your brother to school. I have a very important meeting at work today that i cannot be late to."

You see i just got this adorable green convertible bug for my 16th birthday about a month ago, and ever since i have had to drive my brother just about everywhere!!! Soccer, baseball, friends houses, school, you name it!!!

But i didnt mind too much. Just as long as i got to drive it then i was fine!!!

As we were driving down the highway my brother asks,

"Myah can we get some donuts at the donut store?"

"Trent you just ate a big bowl of cocoa puffs, not to mention they were my cocoa puffs, you dont need anymore food."

"But sissy, im still hungry."

" Trent i would but i don't have any money with me, maybe tomorrow."

"all right, but you better not forget!! Do you pinkie promise?"

"ok, ok. I pinky promise" i laughed.

We pulled up to Palmer elementary, the school my brother goes to. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran off to play with his friends.

i yelled after him "don't forget i am picking you up at 2:45!!!"

" ok sis" he yelled back before chasing his friends around.

Man he just has so much energy.maybe even too much energy.... wait, maybe he has ADHD like me. ADHD stands for Attention deficit Hyper disorder. i was diagnosed with it when i was about 5, but it had never occurred to me that Trent might have it too. I always thought he was just a very active and happy little kid. As i was thinking about all of this i drove into the high school parking lot. Thankfully i had paid for my parking spot early on in the summer so i didn't have to park too far back.

Dancing my way to his heartWhere stories live. Discover now