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Madison POV

Lou and I walked hand -in -hand to the ice cream shop. when we got to the counter a young girl was standing there she looked about 16 or15 . when we walked up to her to order she started to freak " I guess she's a fan." I laughed " omg omg yes yes yes I am a huge fan of one direction omg Louis Tomlinson where is everyone else omg who is she? omg is she ur new girlfriend omg am I the first to know omg I got to tell everyone omg can I get pic please." the girl blurted that all out in like 2 sentences . Louis looked at me to see if I was fine with this. so I just nodded my head in approval. " well let's see to answer your first question she is not my girlfriend yet" he lend in towards her and cup his mouth as if he was going to tell her a secret then he whispered but loud enough for me to hear. "not yet but she will be one day." when he said that I looked at the floor because I could feel the Krimson on my cheeks grow. "omg now I super want a pic with this soon to be coupled I totally ship you guys together yes I'm the first shipper ! so what do you say guys can I have a picture!?!" the girl asked with so much excitement. "of course you can." I said with a smile. so we all took pictures together and it was so much fun. then we order our ice cream. we swapped numbers, said our goodbyes then me and to Louis left the ice cream shop. "so one day I'm going to be soo lucky to be your girlfriend?." I asked Lou with a smirk. " well Madison only if you want to." " actually Lou I would love to . It would be my pleasure." then Louis started to smirk " well I would love you to be my girlfriend so Madison will you be my girlfriend and let me be your boyfriend." " yes oh my gosh of course!!" then Louis started singing 'Justin Bieber's boyfriend' " if I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go baby take a chance to ever know I got money in my pocket that I really like to blow swag swag swag on you chillin by the fire while we eatin fondue I know about you you don't know bout me so say hello to the Scotto and a 3 2 swag I like to be everything you want hey girl let me talk to you if I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go keep you by my side girl you never be alone I can be a gentlemen anything you want if I was your boyfriend anything you want anything you want I can be your Superman yeah imma make you feel bright like you are my kryptonite." I started laughing at his lyric change. "so now you will be the first of your friends to be daring a famous sing." Louis said to me with a smile. " actually No! my friend telena is dating Nathan Sykes and my other friend is dating Siva kaneswaran. so technically I'm the third of my friends . Oh that reminds me I need to call telena back." I said with a shrug. "go ahead" "are you sure " "ya go ahead." he pushed me to call so I did.

.....the call....

mm: hey telena

tv: wut u up to

mm: nothing just hanging with my....NEW BOYFRIEND!!!

tv: omg when did this happen

mm: just now

tv: so who is the lucky man

mm: ........Louis......Tomlinson

tv: omg cool hey do want to come to a party at me and naths tomorrow you can bring Lou is u want

mm: OK ya I'll go what time

tv: you guys can come early like Roxanna and Siva but the party starts at 9

mm: okie dokie artichokie see you there bye

tv: OK bye see ya

......end of call....

I poked Lou on the shoulder to get his attention. "hey" he said as he turned. "you wanna go to a party with me. the party is at telena and Nathan's house." I asked Louis with a smile." ya sounds fun. When is it what?" "tomorrow." "OK sounds good". 'I am so exited for this party two of my best friends and my new boyfriend it could not get any better than this' I thought to my self as we continued to walk hand-in-hand. :)

A/N: sorry it took so long school has started and I'm so busy telena told mean to write some more my story cuz she wanted to read some more and she wanted me to add her in my story and wanted to be Nathan Sykes girlfriend so I put her in if you ever want me to add you on my story just comment or message me and I will try to put you in if I can and I can also make other stories for you thank you and I will try to start writing more often bye it's past my bedtime lol

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