soon to come

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A/N: sorry for not writing but school has been crazy I am going to also be writing a new fanfic it is called: my boyfriends a vampire.

I will try to post soon but I have lots of stuff going on I have basketball after school Monday and Thursday sometimes Wednesdays . I have honor choir after school on Tuesday. and my brother has soccer and wrestling after school on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Saturday .I also have lots of homework and I have to do a lot at home so I will try to wright soon

well I'm going to go now I am writing this before school ya tomorrow is Halloween one of my favorite holidays . SOON TO COME: MoRe In My sToRY to cOmE. ANd mY NeW StORy To bE PuBLishEd. my boyfriends a vampire. good bye and sorry :(

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