Strategic Fall

15 3 1

It was a silent morning on that Tuesday night

 When the birds would sing but dawn had not yet met light

It was a silent night on that Tuesday morn,

 Where a body lay, untouched, forlorn

Now what the body did was not the truth it tell,

But explain its thoughts, its feelings... what hell!

But now I think, her face truly did stress

 What pain to be torn between life and death... what mess!

However the truth I discovered and with much to learn

I hunted the murderer who in return

Told me “the truth is where we stand,

 No sum of money of jewels in hand can improve our status which leaves us all on common land.

This is why a successful murder has never been planned”

He fled into the horizons mouth

Which altered the wind to stalk him south

And he met a river bank,

His body slipped and there on he sank

Flowing through the waves of time,

His cold expression crept and climbed,

Until it met the victim’s chest

Where there forever now they rest.

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