It's like a wall is covering me up
Brick by brick taking over my life
It's like a wall is discovering my luck
And wanting penetrate me inside
Then when the walls are climbing
Something inside me
Crumbles and shatters and falls
The life I once knew
And the things that I do
Are all a cloak
A camouflage
For my mistakes and horrid past
But now all must end
I have driven to a bend
A lake filled with blood
Shows the blood once shed and all those I never could love
As i say my good byes
And all truth dies
I finally realise
I loved you
That's the truth
Murders' Relatives
PuisiEvery one has different thoughts, different minds, but sometimes we must accept that there is only one way to deal with things and thats to live with it! These are a collection of poems written to show that whether we choose to or not there are thin...