Chapter 12 - Life and Death Promises

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A/N - Thank you so much for all the awesome feedback I've received! I love you all!

Winter's P.O.V

It had been several hours since Sasuke had rescued me from the Akatsuki. He had made no move whatsoever to start a conversation and so I had been staring at nothing in particular and noticing how much more noise my footsteps made than his. "How do you do that?" I asked finally, breaking the silence.

"Do what?" He replied in that aggravatingly, annoying, monotone voice. I swear, he uses it one more time and I'm going to crack.

"Walk so lightly - do you even weigh anything?"

"Hn." What is 'Hn'? He doesn't say anything and when he does he can't form complete words?!

"You didn't answer my question." I accused.

"It's practice." Simple, easy as that. I have been contemplating how he walks so lightly for over two hours and he replies 'It's practice.' Are you kidding me?

"Urghhhhhhhh!" I groaned as loud as I could, partly because I was frustrated at the endless walking and partly because of the pent up anger I had at his speech ability.

"Are you finished?" Sasuke looked sideways at me and his dark hair swept in front of his eyes. Without his Sharingan, he had eyes so black they reminded me of the night sky on an eclipse. It was strange because the more I looked into them, the more I felt I could read what he was thinking. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly as he guessed what I was thinking and then he looked back down the road.

"So. What now?" I put my hands in the pockets of my old jumper and focused straight ahead.

"Orochimaru's. Training." I understood the fact that he wasn't the talkative type, but unlike him, I couldn't stand hours without social interaction.

"Huh. You always manage to answer my questions in two words. Or less." I combed my hair back with my hands and sighed, looking at Sasuke. He looked back at me and smirked as to say 'I'm proud of it'.

"Perhaps you're not asking the right questions." He is allowing me to ask him questions?! Heck, I'm not letting this chance go to waste.

"Okay, smart guy. Why Orochimaru?" There, he couldn't possibly sum that up in two words. His eyes were deep in thought and I knew he was determined to answer it in two words, but then his eyes released and gave up. Aha, so I finally asked the right question.

"He's the first guy who doesn't use restrictions or rules, he bends them, and I've become stronger because of it. He's not afraid to do forbidden things, in fact, he strives to do things that normal people are too afraid to do. Sure he's twisted, but I am too." He smirked and for some reason I became worried. 

Sure, I'm strong, but I don't use my strength as a weapon, I use it to help people. I have gone through hell and I came out of it trying to make sure nobody went through what I did. Then there's Sasuke.

What had he gone through to make him so bloodthirsty?

"Sasuke, what's your story?" I bit my lip unsure if I had just crossed a line. His eyes darkened - if that was even possible.

"Not your turn. It's my turn to ask you a question." His eyes glinted dangerously but I didn't care.

"Um, no."

"Um, yes. It was part of the deal."

"What deal?!" I walked in front of him and stopped so he had to stop walking. He put his hands in his pockets and leveled his eyes so he was staring straight at me.

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