Epilogue - The End Is Just The Beginning

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Winter's P.O.V

If you had told me when I was 15 years old that I would be taken by two criminal organizations- take part in killing one of them- be silent for an entire year and meet a butthole who would later turn out to be an amazing guy and my boyfriend, I would call you crazy. 

Looking back, I wouldn't recognize the girl I used to be. My perspectives on people have changed, I now know that if you give them a chance, people can surprise you. Heck, you can meet a six-year-old boy who turns out to be a seer.

I was such an angry person and I didn't ever trust anyone because I was afraid of making mistakes like my parents did, I was afraid of getting hurt. I isolated myself from everyone and was alone for so long until I met Sasuke. 

He was everything I hated in a person, and more. Obnoxious, arrogant, selfish and egotistical. But when I looked deeper, I realized that he was doing exactly what I had done. He protected himself like I did by pushing everyone away. We were like two magnets with the same charge, we were the same, and so we repelled.

It took us so long to realize that even though we had different goals in life, his to kill his older brother Itachi and mine to find a place of my own and call it 'home', we needed each other. Call it destiny, luck or fate, we found each other when we were at the lowest points in our lives. Now, we are at the highest, everything's almost perfect. 

With the curse mark gone, Sasuke can now do what he pleases. I'm not too sure if he still wants to kill Itachi now that he can think clearly without Orochimaru poisoning his thoughts, but at the moment he's busy settling back into his old life. Naruto and he are getting along but they still have quite a lot of friction. He hasn't talked to any other of his old friends, though, especially because he's angry at them for all the hateful glares they give me. 

Nobody has voiced that Sakura's death was my fault, but I know they're thinking it. The Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade, has told the village that Sakura's sacrifice was her choice, but not everyone accepts that. Honestly, they can blame me. If using me as a scapegoat is their only way of moving on, then so be it. I know that deep down they know it wasn't my fault, and that's what matters.

I just turned 17 today and it's being celebrated low-key with just Sasuke and I. That's all I could ever ask for. We ate cake and he didn't get me anything like I asked. We're just sitting on the couch together and making him eat every sweet thing I can find. He eats them with a grimace and a laugh saying, "Only because it's your birthday."

I have my birthday next year already planned out. When I turn 18 I will be of legal age to adopt Haku. I visit Haku every day in the children's home and I haven't had to tell him what I've been planning because of course, he already knows. Sasuke fully accepts my decision to be Haku's mother and he comes with me to the home. Haku and he get along very well in a boyish way I'll never understand.

I haven't heard anything from the Akatsuki except for what Haku had told me about them dropping him at the Leaf Village as a thank you. Personally, I know they would never release Haku, so I know this is the work of Itachi. I mentioned this to Haku and he gave me a knowing smile, "Don't tell Sasuke." 

I still live in Sasuke's house and I know everyone thinks it is improper, but Sasuke and I have promised each other to not do anything until marriage. Marriage is a thing we have both spoken about but we haven't planned an exact time. 

With some help from the villagers, he was able to knock down one of the house's walls and attach a new bedroom so I no longer have to sleep on the couch. I had no idea about this because I was staying at the children's home to help out for a week and a half. It was an early birthday present from Sasuke which is why I asked him not to get me anything for my 17th. 

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