Bonus Chapter - "Bliss"

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Thank you so much for all the support I've had on this fanfiction! This chapter is for all of you dedicated readers who stuck through to the end! Love, Books4_Ever xx  ❤

The sun slowly fell towards the line where the ocean met the sky, displaying beautiful golds and purple hues across the clouds. The smell of salt fills my senses as another hill of blue crashes against the rocks below us. Sasuke and I ate our dinner early to make it in time to see the sunset. My gut feeling knows it's going to be beautiful tonight.

Sasuke's thumb brushes my arm in a rhythmic caress, his mind elsewhere. Encircled in his arms, I lean back against his chest and close my eyes. It's been three weeks since my memories returned. Everything seems to have happened in a blur, the court trials, the pitied faces - and the judgemental ones. Word seems to have spread that I personally forced Sakura into throwing herself out to protect me. Which is absolutely ridiculous, and it angers me that people would taint her final moments. Sasuke told me that it was very out of character for Sakura to do such a thing, and that people will believe anything other than the truth, especially if the truth hurts them. They know I'm innocent and that's what matters.

There was a series of court trials after I received my memories, Naruto defending Sasuke on the most part. They were trying to place Sasuke under the death penalty, seems as if Naruto is very important in the village because like a miracle, Sasuke was released from the horrid sentence. He was released with a warning that if he messed up it would be the last straw, and a close eye on him 24/7. Even now, up above us on the higher rocks is Kakashi, watching us.

I should be worried, frantically wondering what might happen next, but I've never been so at peace, sitting here with Sasuke and watching the sunset, the promise of a new day. I smile up at Sasuke and he comes back into his senses, his eyes shifting to focus on mine. The darkness that once consumed his eyes has receded. "What is it?" He murmurs, his thumb still stroking my arm. 

Our close proximity and his thumb sending shocks reverberating across my skin fills me with love so completely, and I don't think - I just do. I close the gap between us and lightly press my lips to his. The cold, evening air caresses the back of my neck as I breathe him in, but then I pull away. The stillness of his lips made me freeze, and the feeling of mortification and the realization at what I had just done leaks into me like a broken dam as he stares at me with a blank, albeit shocked expression.

The heat in my cheeks spoke for me as I hastily pull away from him and stand up. Turning away from him I feel a hand grab mine, stopping me from leaving. "Wait, Winter, what's wrong?" I look up at him with the most deathly 'unbelievable' look and he chuckles. "Don't be embarrassed, Winnie, you just shocked me - that's all."

My heart thumps at his voice. I shocked me too. I sheepishly look at him and he smiles. I playfully hit his arm, trying to hide my mortification, and start making my way up the rocks, his face beholding a fake hurt expression. 

"Hey Winter," he called and I looked back at him from my new position, watching him climb after me, "Was that your first kiss?" 

My face burned, could he tell? I angrily continued my path.

"Wait, Winter!" He laughs and follows after me. Angry and still embarrassed, I reach the top and look around for Kakashi, strangely enough, he's nowhere to be found. As Sasuke reaches the top, I storm off again, desperately trying to place some distance between us.

The sound of his laughter at my red cheeks pinches my heart, "Can you stop following me?!" I call behind me, tears threatening to fall.

Sasuke's pace falters as he beholds my feelings, "Wait Winter! I didn't know-" he grabs my wrist and I rip it from his grasp.

"Didn't know what, Sasuke? That laughing at my embarrassment wouldn't hurt my feelings?" My cheeks burned. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking before, I don't know why I did it," I looked down and began to ramble.

"I do, I know why you did it," Sasuke breathed. "I was about to kiss you first but you beat me to it, Winnie. It shocked me and you didn't give me a chance to explain my reaction and you walked off; I thought you were just a little embarrassed but I had no idea you were upset."

"So you laughed at my embarrassment?" I repeated incredulously.

It was his turn to give me a sheepish expression and he rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, yeah, I thought it was cute." He stated awkwardly.

"Cute?!" My eyes bulged with mortification and I turned from him, completely ready to bolt until I felt his hand grab my wrist again, and the next thing I knew I was flush against him, his mouth on mine. My eyes closed and I relaxed into him, his hand on the small of my back holding me tight against him. He smelled of the sea and like the tide, my worries and feelings were swept away with the feel of him.

The golden lights and purple hues faded into the night sky as the sun sank below the horizon. My gut feeling knew it was going to be beautiful tonight, and it was.

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