Chapter 12

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"This is literally the cutest thing ever! He just asked you out then and there?"

I smiled at Sara's over excited tone as I loosely curled my coffee colored hair. I was sitting in front of my vanity table, getting ready to go out with Jax, while Sara lounged on my bed. She had come over earlier.

"Yeah, he did." I replied, "Although it would have been a lot more convenient if he had told me where we are going so I could actually know what to wear."

"Come on Kat. It's so damn cold outside, with all the recent snow and stuff. You don't really have many options."

It had snowed really heavy the previous night. I sighed, "I guess you're right."

I stood up and went to the full length mirror to examine my appearance. I was wearing a long, white turtleneck sweater, with sleeves long enough to cover even half my hands, and a blue skinny jeans, paired off with my trusty converse.

"You look damn, girl." Sara complimented, "When is he supposed to come anyway?"

"Around sevenish I guess."

Just then, we heard the doorbell ring. "And he's just on time. Go." Sara said as she pushed me out, "I'll see myself out."

Shrugging, I grabbed my phone, slipped it into my jeans pocket and went to open the door.

"Hey Ka-" Jax began but stopped midsentence as he looked at me, gazing me up and down.

I bit my lip, "Do I really look that bad?"

"What? No, no. You look beautiful Kat." He smiled, then glanced at the bouquet of white lilies he was holding, "Oh, these are for you."

I took them from him as I closed the door behind me, "I really appreciate the effort Jax but you didn't really have to do this stuff."

"Way to encourage a guy." he joked.

I shrugged, "I was just saying it doesn't take much to please me."

I carefully placed the bouquet in the backseat of his car, then slid into the passenger side.

"Where are we going, anyway?" I asked as he started driving.

He gave me a sly, sidelong glance, "If I wanted to tell you, I would have by now. It's a surprise."

I pretended to pout and he laughed. "Seriously Kat, just wait and see."

"Oh, Jax?" I said as I suddenly remembered something.


"Matt wanted to meet you. He asked me to invite you over sometime."

"He did?" Jax asked, "Well, I just hope he doesn't hate me."

I shrugged, "Why would he? And even if he does, it doesn't matter to me."

He looked at me and gave a smile. But just as I glanced ahead, my view was filled with a car speeding towards us. I screamed just as horns were heard and Jax swerved to a hard left, avoiding the otherwise imminent collision.

The driver of the other car screamed some profanities at us, before driving away.

"What a bozo!" Jax fumed as he regained control of the car.

When I didn't reply, he glanced at me, only to see my eyes wide and breathing shallow. I was staring straight ahead.

"Kat? Kat!" he asked as he pulled over to the side. Putting out the ignition of the car, he turned to face me, "Are you okay, love?"

"Huh?" I blinked a couple of times, "Yes. Yes, I'm fine." I said as I tried to normalize my breathing, "I'm sorry Jax, I just got a little shaken up."

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